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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. that would explain it, I wish I could that well when I am not ill!
  2. you will almost definately need new spokes if you are changing your rims anyway.
  3. his style looked different to normal, perhaps a different bike or jetlagged? Not saying his riding was bad by any means, but it somehow wasn't as good as I remember him being. The place looks awesome to ride too!
  4. they do go ever so slightly thicker towards the bottom, but as Mr Wood said, the extra height of the tyre help prevent punctures too, but don't get me wrong, you need to be smooth otherwise you'll still get punctures. My vote is for a Rain King, I have used them for over a year now and I am still to get a single puncture with one, plus they are the grippiest tyres for sale (FACT!) and they don't easily fold either which makes them the most predicable tyre on off-camber surfaces EVER!
  5. you do know the rubber queen is single ply right?
  6. Ali C

    360 Endo

    I dont think a hard tyre is that important. I always try to do the endo really steep, almost like you do the 180 and end up so steep that you basicly just fall the last 180. Practice doing 180 endos but ending up steep enough to do front hops. you will need to turn your bars mid pivot too, this is just timing and practice is your best bet...you will soon be doing 540s!
  7. you could buy a cheap bmx, but be prepared to hate it. It won't ride as well as a good (but not meaning expensive) bmx and will give you a false sence of how bmxs ride. I have done the same...bought a cheap bike, tried to ride it and ended up hating bmx all together because that what I thought they were all like. I then tried a good bmx (obms bike) and the difference is amazing! Save up, if you still don't like it at least you can sell it and get a lot (if not all) of the money back.
  8. 20" Benito no question 24" Danny Mac no question 26" I think Kenny Bealey, he has been at the top level for a long time and is constantly improving his riding to stay at the top.
  9. my trials bike has a seat
  10. yes, but you can't angle the pads to meet the angle of the rim (trialtechs have a sloping sidewall).
  11. clear laquer spray paint is the best I have used
  12. Ali C

    Neon 2010!

    still ugly, but just not quite as much as the latest one.
  13. A BB7 with good cable owns the life out of a hope when it comes to smoothness and ease to pull! The only reason why I don't use a BB7 is because of the extra weight. Also, not needing bite for the front brake?? I would consider the front to be far more important for bite than the rear brake!
  14. thats pretty much what happened to me, they were great at first, then went downhill fast.
  15. well, I find the urbans very flexy, I have also snapped more than one pair. Sure the Inspired forks are expensive, but the quality is second to non.
  16. can't recommend going to this enough!
  17. I am far to good looking to be confused with Danny!
  18. I am reserving judgment. sure it felt good when stood on two wheels, but so do some mods the real test for me is in the riding. I am sure a LOT of people will love this bike but I am too used to 26" wheels, even the 2" difference is enough to throw me. Plus, I still think its a little jack of all trades master of non but I am willing to be proved wrong. It is nice looking though
  19. Ali C


    that ones easy, the balls reflection is actually another ball, they are held together with magnets and when he pulls the ball away with the cloth, the other ball falls down. I have never seen that trick before, but the way he never picks the ball off the table and pulls the cloth off with what looks like a ball sized lump in it gives it away a little Dam, Rowan beat me too it
  20. high performance tartybikes pads. these create friction when applied against the rim, magic happens and the bike stops
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