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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I would bunny them normally, but its pretty awkward plus I didn't want to carry too much speed
  2. ran 60psi before, felt good for speed moves and spins, but not very nice for trialsy moves. These are the only punctures I have had for the past two years.
  3. any holes a goal. I only took my tyre off once when I fixed 6 holes, does that count as one I had my tyres at 45psi, but I hit it hard (what she said) and got a slow puncture just before that clip of me
  4. Ali C


    as mentioned, if your frame has vee mounts, you would be daft to put a maggie on there with evo mounts. Even if you didn't like your current brake, its not expensive to get some good avid arms and lever, then some nice TNN pads and some bmx linear cable get all that and you'll be laughing.
  5. I wrap the cog in a chain but miss out one tooth so the chain sticks out in a triangle shape. pop in a vice and turn...the triangle bit of chain will wedge itself in the vice thus allowing the cog to unscrew...never failed so far.
  6. odd, I serviced the hub, it all looked pretty good inside, wasn't even that dirty when I cleaned it. I popped on a drop of light lube so it shouldn't be clogged up with that either. All the engagements sounded strong and it made the typical "I'm working well" deep buzz noise. How badly has it skipped?
  7. I have got trialtech hubs on my bike and I have been blasting drops spins and so on, I would trust them more than most hubs out there.
  8. Ali C

    Rear Brakes

    I use a vee brake as they have the most holding power, easiest brakes to pull, they are also lighter, more adjustable, can get spare parts in supermarkets and I don't get as bad arm pump when in comps. Pads last longer too as they don't wobble around.
  9. This is Mark, but I'll PM you some details later dude
  10. had the vee pads on my inspired before I went brakeless and I also have them on my comp bike. They actually work pretty well on a smooth rim but are ideally suted for a light sharp grind. They have loads of bite! More so than most other pads I have used, but they also have great hold. They are pretty thin too, so it makes setting up brakes with wide rims easier.
  11. I had my first batch pair of bars for over a year, they never bent, snapped or gave me any problems. I am now on my 2nd pair ever just because I got all new parts for my new bike.
  12. I used to ride in shorts and tights for comps, but no way would I EVER ride the streets in them!
  13. very slightly rolled my ankle twice recently, nothing painful but enough to get me paranoid so I got an ankle brace just to give me confidence and to make sure I am fit to ride for The clan. the kneepads are just to look rad
  14. saw Ot Pi do it in vids from 1992 or there abouts
  15. Nice pics Dan! Was cool to meet up too. lol at everyone talking about the puntures, that was only the 3rd time I have had one on that bike, it just so happened to be more punctures on that one day than I have had in the last two years!
  16. Ali C

    Ross Clayton

    awesome riding there lad! Looks like you got used to the frame pretty quickly, keep it up
  17. really enjoyed that, I like porters riding, more streety than most 24" vids yet has the big trials moves too. Bessel was riding pretty smoothly too.
  18. there is that reason, but I also like those frames and the look of the bike
  19. kinda pernament, but you could drill out the lower 4bolt hole and tap it to fit an m8 vee pivot post. I have done this on my bike, brake is perfect, its lighter and easier to set up brakes plus it looks a whole load neater.
  20. haha, brilliant! Keep them coming!
  21. Ali C

    Koxx Days

    went last year, can't be arsed to drive an extra 400 miles for a place thats not as good this year
  22. half my bloody age!! I didn't even know trials existed when I was 13. Always impressed with Jack!
  23. whats wrong with Chase Hawk? He's one of my fave BMXers
  24. nice to see riders with all round bike handling skill I think you should stick with the 24", you look good on it, I hate to think how good you would be in a few years time!
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyl5DlrsU90 Hmmmmm
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