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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. well, it's not really lighter, it's just a name. What it does have though is pure win, and lots of it!
  2. or grind down a larger one to fit
  3. Ali C

    Milk ?

    this whole thread =
  4. am I the only one who doesn't like their music at all?
  5. just to clear up, that frame is Danny's own signature frame, it is his prefered geo and has the bolt through rear end. Keep your eyes peeled for some pics sometime soon if you are interested in Inspireds
  6. mountain king, best tyre?? Are you feeling ok? Kendas are also some of the worst I have used. Der Kaiser for the sheer grip, stability and puncture protection, no tyre comes close. I now think the Trials king has overtaken the try-all tyre for the top spot on the front now too.
  7. really struggling to work out what you have actually said there,
  8. He is good BUT his style is deffo European which means it's quite odd, not very flowy, once he gets that sorted he will be a pleasure to watch
  9. I have not read the whole topic, but am I allowed to come on my 26"? I know Mark is going, I am not sure what will happen travel wise, I may take my van as I will have to be back up in Scotland straight after.
  10. Right, my shitty £4.95 phone needs to go! It's a pain in the arse to do anything on it. I have done a little research, but it's all pretty alien to me, some of the stuff I have read may as well be french. I am traveling around the country quite a lot at the moment, I need to be able to send txts with as little hassle as poss, view and send emails and use it as simple entertainment when living in my van. I have rounded it down the 3 phones 1) I Phone 2) google Nexus 3)HTC Desire Out of those 3 The Nexus seems to be my fave, I can easily link up with my Gmail account, battery life seems decent and there are some handy apps I can download plus I can put my Spotify on it too (not sure how yet, but I understand it's possible). My least fave is the I Phone, it's over priced, can't view Flash and it's a bit slower. Does anyone have any feedback? I have never had a contract before so it's a bit worrying forking out a lot per month for something that I may end up hating. also, how does the internet work on phones? The Nexus has contracts with unlimited use, but it usually ends up being 500mb I think. That sounds like not a lot to me, how much usage is that in simple terms? Does anyone have any idea where's best for insurance too? Cheers guys, any help is apreciated Ali
  11. Clan nights out...Oh dear! We do a lot as Iain said, but the biggest, most important, most hardwork element isn't the driving 1000s of miles, having kids ask who is the best, it is beating Duncan in the hop comp! I don't like losing to a Scot!
  12. Ali C

    True Lad Day!

    I am just about to drive 200miles and then sleep over night in my van
  13. maaaay be interested, I am passing near tomorrow on my way to Glasgow. We'll see
  14. I was enjoying that untill the tights wearing came on. I don't care how good someone is (very in this case) but I would refuse to ride with anyone if they were wearing tights and a vest! I am not saying I am the peak of fashion (far from it) but come on, peakless helmets are bad enough but I don't want to have to look at a ballet dancers man lumps when watching a vid! Apart from that, the riding is very impressive! That hook near the start is pretty bonkers! Plus the absolutely massive gaps!
  15. I have a Peugeot, but I have heard Bugatti are better but I prefer Peugeot because I have never tried a Bugatti. narr seriously, the echo SL freewheel (and the TR for that matter) are the BEST freewheels available, deffo worth the cash.
  16. Ali C

    Atomz 2010 Range

    I just like to have an old man rant every now and then
  17. Ali C

    Atomz 2010 Range

    were they bolt through style of just tight? Were you using an Echo hub?
  18. Ali C

    Atomz 2010 Range

    well if you're happy spending 2k on a bike and then have to spend hours "fixing" it then that's ok. I think it's a complete joke. I don't know how Adam is so patient with them, I would have told Atomz to shove their bikes up their arse for free and f**k off while they are doing it.
  19. no ones in trouble, I can't even remember when I started Yes, I am still a Tartybikes rider. I plan to pop in every now and then and annoy people too
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