Right, my shitty £4.95 phone needs to go! It's a pain in the arse to do anything on it.
I have done a little research, but it's all pretty alien to me, some of the stuff I have read may as well be french.
I am traveling around the country quite a lot at the moment, I need to be able to send txts with as little hassle as poss, view and send emails and use it as simple entertainment when living in my van.
I have rounded it down the 3 phones
1) I Phone
2) google Nexus
3)HTC Desire
Out of those 3 The Nexus seems to be my fave, I can easily link up with my Gmail account, battery life seems decent and there are some handy apps I can download plus I can put my Spotify on it too (not sure how yet, but I understand it's possible). My least fave is the I Phone, it's over priced, can't view Flash and it's a bit slower.
Does anyone have any feedback? I have never had a contract before so it's a bit worrying forking out a lot per month for something that I may end up hating.
also, how does the internet work on phones? The Nexus has contracts with unlimited use, but it usually ends up being 500mb I think. That sounds like not a lot to me, how much usage is that in simple terms?
Does anyone have any idea where's best for insurance too?
Cheers guys, any help is apreciated