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Ali C

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  1. Ali C


    fworrrr! some nice flatbanks in the background of some of those shots!
  2. just had another 2" dumped here, can't get up the small hill to my parking space, so have to leave it in the carpark down by the main road.
  3. cables come pre-streched and don't noticeably stretch in use. Besides, it's not hard to put a tad more tension on the arms (if it's a vee brake), one of the many advantages they have over hydraulic systems
  4. what you need is some mercury! It's even thinner than water so will give even lighter, faster action. It is pretty toxic though, and heavy, and will probably go solid when cold.
  5. well, we could show our pics if you want?
  6. I am pretty sure manufacturers care about the image of their companies. There isn't anything wrong with being gay, but I can't think of a single bike company that would want to be associated with it
  7. it may well have dug into the freehub body a little bit. Give it a tap anti-clockwise to try and get the splines lined up then it should slide off
  8. man you would never catch me doing that, I would have to spend ages servicing the bearings after getting the bike that wet!
  9. Ali C

    Frozen Brake

    VEES DON'T FREEZE! But yeah, as Mark said, I have sold out and am running a magura. If I was still a "traditional" rider, I would most definitely still be on a rear vee.
  10. I have a relatively light Trialtech Lite chain and I am yet to snap one. Ride technique plays a big roll I think. Some riders stamp on the pedals and sometimes don't have the correct technique so rely more on pure power to get the job done (not accusing the topic maker or anyone else of this). If you work on technique more and being softer on the pedals, you will generally snap fewer chains.
  11. if you want a slow feeling brake, it works fine.
  12. looking good guys, all seems to work well on my computer and I have just registered and added an avatar
  13. I can't really comment on the rockman bikes, it may have to do with currency exchange and so on which I never paid that much attention to.
  14. how old is the chain out of interest?
  15. must admit it wasn't my intention to start a heated argument or even have a go at Rock'n Roll Cycles but it's nice to be able to say what I think and if I am wrong I will be the first to apologize.
  16. I wasn't too sure on the first point which is why I had the question mark on the end. When I was at Tartybikes, I remember being told that we had to stick to the rrp. If we were to sell for less then our connection to Onza could be canceled. I believe you even went as far as to get all your photos of bikes watermarked and shops had to use them to prove they were legit and sticking to the prices?
  17. may want to share that info a bit more then.
  18. with trials, you are often doing stuff that is putting side to side loads on the lever blade rather than just pulling it as it's meant to. After a while it can (and does) crack. If you get another 05+ brake, you can file away the back so there is a smooth transition rather than the sharp edge normally there. This will make the lever last a LOT longer. the NEW brake is a different design and material, that cover is not a protector as such, more just for looks than anything else.
  19. Ali C

    My New Video

    nice one Nick, you can do some massive gaps! Nice to see people trying new stuff as well.
  20. yeah, it depends what you are wanting from them. If it's mainly a warmth thing, long john type things work very well, they are also a lot cheaper. If you want the compression effect (which I never noticed any benefit) then prepare to pay a little more. Skins are supposedly the best but 2XU are also worth looking at.
  21. well, Rock'n Roll Cycles sold Onza to Moorelarge?, so in theory, they shouldn't have any more rights than any other shop. Moorelarge set the rrp, they tell shops to stick to it, Rock'n Roll don't. If that isn't the case and Rock'N Roll do still own onza, then is cheeky to tell people to do one thing and do something differently yourself. cheaper bikes are good, I'll agree. But Rock'n Roll selling them for less is unfair. If everyone has to sell them at the same price, then people have more choice where to get them, the more choice they get the more the actual service the shop gives will get better so they choose them other the competition. THAT would be better for the sport! If they got better service, the bike would come set up, would have great aftersales advice and great general advice and the rider would spend more time riding a well set up bike rather than spending less and getting a bike in a box with no knowledge of how a trials bike should be set up and will either ride worse because of that, or in a worse case example, fall apart and break. That rider won't have enjoyed the sport as much as the rider who payed the rrp and got the service and is more likely to stay in the sport for longer.
  22. There's no "Middlemans margin tacked ont top", how would that work if they're selling them at well below rrp? It's just another company just doing things purley for the profit and not for the good of the sport, it's another company who doesn't care who they f**k over as long as they get their way. I could name a couple more...Ozonys, Atomz etc
  23. well I can't speak for the shop as I have not been there for a good while now, but most other shops do not have the level of service somewhere like Tartybikes has so we (they) try and make it clear exactly what they are getting if they pay retail price. No other shop sets the bike up for the customer before sending the bike out as far as I am aware. Some people have no idea about how to set bikes up so getting what's basically just some bits in a box doesn't help out people who are new to trials, whereas getting a bike set up to the highest standard does.
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