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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C

    Slide Outs

    don't forget to keep pedaling backwards, lean back and slightly to one side (I slide to the left and lean to the right a tad) and turn the bars 90 or more.
  2. one of the main issues I had with the levers was that the barrel adjuster doesn't actually thread into the lever body, it relies on the tension in the cable to keep it in place. I always had my brakes with minimal cable tension so the barrel adjuster used to slide in and out of the lever making the brake feel shit. My lever also got quite wobbly quite quickly.
  3. not worth it, they are no better than SD7s
  4. looks good, I like purple, but it looks like it's crying out for a higher front end.
  5. "Not sure if i would trust it on rail." hmmm
  6. Just as well too! I should defend the Trialtech bb, but to be honest, I don't need to.
  7. I can see you guys! I hope everyone has a really good time!
  8. Shwalbes have really bad grip from my experience, the rubber compound "dries out" after a while too. A Conti De Kaiser just can't be beaten.
  9. in the list of tyre grip levels, it goes: Conti Rain king compound Maxxis Super Tacky/Try-All Kenda Stick-E/Conti Rubber queen
  10. one of these for sure!
  11. Kenda have pretty poor grip, I think a Maxxis High Roller 2.5 super tacky is the next best after the Rain King
  12. I heard it only eats rice pudding and never watches sunsets through fear of the sun never returning.
  13. I have to disagree about the old version of the rear try-all. It's heavy but still punctures, for the same weight (or lighter) you could get a conti rain king which can't be beaten for grip or stability. If you are after lighter tyres, then yeah, the newer try-all lite is pretty sweet and so are single ply Maxxis high rollers, but they still don't have a patch on the Rain King for grip!
  14. surly a mouse and keyboard is better? I never buy first person shooters for consoles as the control pads are frustrating as hell to use.
  15. well, Mark W is helping with that
  16. seriously impressive!
  17. Ali C


    I HAD A DREAM! in it I was at a massive group ride in some made-up city. We were riding the police station (or courthouse) walls as they were pretty sweet when this woman comes out of the building and asks us all to come over to her. I think she was head of police or something and started giving out a bit of paper to every rider wanting name and address info so she could send us all a fine. I got a bit of paper and decided to put a fake name as there was no chance she could check them all with us there and then. I remember thinking that if anyone puts their real details then they are fools. Then I remembered that I was actually still injured and on crutches so in-fact I hadn't done anything wrong and ripped up my paper in front of her. I then realised I had a megaphone and proceeded to tell the whole group that they needed to put down their bits of paper, get their bags and move on as there was just one of her and a hundred of us. We all moved on and no-one got a fine.
  18. it may work, but don't expect to be doing huge hops to ledges and stuff, I also wouldn't expect the frame warranty to cover peg use. It may be worth looking into half size pegs or even some micro pegs just to take the stress off the hub bolts and frame as much as possible.
  19. I have it, I am Ali_C_Hex
  20. Ali C


    as difficult as it is to hop up 529 steps, it was just a video of you hopping up steps, can't say I found it very interesting, sorry.
  21. are the conical washers on in the right order? They should be in this order (though you can swap the thick and thin ones depending on how wide the rim is). If they are in the correct positions, then sometimes it takes trial and error, you may have to over compensate when setting up the pads so that when you tighten them, they move into the correct position. I always set up my pads one arm at a time just by holding the arm and pad against the rim to initially set the position and tightness (without the spring attached, just makes life easier), then connected the brake and pulling hard tightened the pads (this stopped them from rotating so I could get the pad nice and tight).
  22. if that seat is getting in the way then you are doing it wrong Plus cutting it off will save hardly any room.
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