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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. as I said, we just have different views. Applying to go on a lousy talent show as a "get famous quick" plan with awful dancers, editing and riding = a shitty way to promote yourself and the sport. Getting noticed for you're great riding by millions of people, being asked to to make edits for more "classy" programmes while still coming across as a really down to earth person (aka, Danny) = a great way to promote yourself and the sport. the difference between my tv work and being on a talent show is I have always been asked to to do it, I have never done it to get known which is pretty much the only reason I can think of to go on BGT, and to me, that is not the reason to ride bikes.
  2. Ali C

    Easy Muffin

    seriously good! Really impressed, nice one!
  3. Joe's was better than Jeremy's, but still pretty basic plus Joe was doing it over his dad whereas Jeremy was doing it over the show's presenter which would carry a heavier price if he failed. If you are going to hop over someone, the only times I think it looks ok is if you are doing a drop into it, or if it's really tech and fast, only a few people I have seen can pull off the hopping over someone move.
  4. I only have myself to blame. Though I did forget to bring my barely clad dancers and blindfold, I kicked myself afterwards.
  5. All I am saying is, if you know you are going on TV to try and make yourself and the sport look good, a talent show is not the place. Just to confirm a little, you are perfectly happy with this on tv? The "fake" drama, dancers, even the editing? The fact he can't do some pretty basic stuff? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj0BTyt-Lfs
  6. It's obvious you have made up your mind and that's fine, just because we ride bikes doesn't mean we have to agree about everything.
  7. It's both amusing and annoying you would put an on-line advert with Victoria Pedelton in the same class as appearing on BGT. Perhaps I am coming across a little aggressive in my wording. It just seems to me that people who go on BGT are on there for all the wrong reasons. Instead of pushing their riding to the next limits, or doing something new and interesting, they have decided to take the easy option instead. Now obviously this is just my view and no doubt I could be wrong but that's just how it comes across. I am not a fan of Jeremy at all, from his internet persona and TV appearance, he comes across like someone I wouldn't get on with at all. I apologise if it comes across like I am saying I am better than them, I am not, but I just think I approach things in a different way.
  8. some people say it takes around 10,000 hours of doing something until you get good at it. How true this is I don't know. Usually you can tell someone has some decent skills around the 3-4 year mark in trials, I have been riding for over 14 years and I am still learning. How good you get and how long it takes you is such a personal thing, we can't really tell you anything accurate.
  9. I am not using a faceless trashy tv show to try and get famous quick.
  10. I guess so I am still up at 4:12am, been playing Dirt 3 with Mark. Getting pretty light outside now, shame my curtains don't actually seem to stop any light coming into the room either.
  11. People did buy them, but then the Hex came out and WHAM! out classed!
  12. disguisedisguise.blogspot.com WAS one of his so says Marky
  13. too much backhopping?
  14. I kinda agree, I don't like it when people try to use shows like that just to improve their own lives and try to get famous quick. I have been asked to go on Britain's Got Talent but I have refused, the show is awful and the people who go on it are not much better. Some of you may point out that I was on Sing If you Can. I agree that show was pretty dire, but it was for charity and non of the riders were in it purely to make a personal gain.
  15. saw it when it was on last year, I said it then and I'll say it now, that was some of the sketchiest riding I have ever seen! I would much rather that wasn't on TV at all. Embarrassing.
  16. I tend to find uplifting quotes pretty cheesy, but funny ones are good. "There are no stupid question, just stupid people" is more true than you could ever imagine.
  17. is that show still on? What is happening with it?
  18. haha, I missed that welcome unfortunately, I did see the speedtrials though.
  19. I think the high bb thing could hurt riders in the long run, you can tell a rider who has only ever ridden modern high bb bikes as they seem incapable of pedalling or turning corners. It's no coincidence that riders considered to have the nicest style all started off riding short low bb frames.
  20. the Atomz Premier was one of the better mid bb bikes I recken, I liked mine
  21. you're trying to pull the drive side cup off the body of the bb? Good luck, they are not meant to come apart (well, not without a lot of force anyway)
  22. indeed, that's some fast progress you are making
  23. that looks sweet I definitely approve! I am also glad to see more people riding brakeless.
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