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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I think he thinks too much
  2. Ali C

    X Games

    I save all my positive stuff for Facebook, then it's all used up by the time I get onto TF
  3. Ali C

    X Games

    I can't even be bothered, you two can like him if you want, I don't. I have my reasons.
  4. I used to swear by 5-10s, but now I use Duffs these ones in particular They are just as grippy as 5-10s but look good, and are cheaper.
  5. Ali C

    X Games

    too much tap dancing and flailing for my liking
  6. Ali C

    X Games

    he has got a couple of cool tricks, but his style is just awful!
  7. Ali C

    X Games

    comes across as a dick from vids and he threatened a friend of mine for saying the company he rides for re-labels catalogue parts (which is true).
  8. Ali C

    X Games

    dunno but he's a fanny
  9. I knew you would like it!
  10. uit is possible, but you'll have to run pretty much all bmx parts, lhd cranks and a lhd rear cassette hub. They only tend to come in 14mm axles so you would have to slot them to fit 10mm dropouts. the gear ratio would be all out then too unless you can find a lhd cassette hub that doesn't have a one piece driver.
  11. drill a hole through the sprocket.
  12. zip-tie the cog to the spokes, it only has to be strong enough to counteract the friction of the front freewheel freewheeling.
  13. GUSSETS!!!!!!!!! Looking very good! Can't wait to see it finished.
  14. Ali C


    you failed by not getting vee forks! Magura forks with adaptors AND being backwards is total fail. It will never be as powerful as dedicated forks, the cable will get in the way and it won't be as stiff. You also failed by getting some heatsink pads, they are pretty dam fat! I am going to suggest a couple of options, but unfortunately they all involve spending money. 1) get some vee forks. Seriously, if you can, DO IT! 2) get some TNN LGV pads, they are super thin and will save some space, if you can afford it do this as well as option one. 3) if you don't want to spend much money, get some adaptors with more adjustment like Onza, should give enough room then.
  15. here's my take on it. You are doing your own thing with riding which is fine, it's not my cup of tea but I don't have any issues with people riding how they want. The issue I have is that you seem to concentrate more on the spins than actually landing stuff nicely. I think you'll agree that BMX is an ifluence on your riding, one of the main points in bmx riding is getting dialled landing and making stuff look smooth. Almost all of your spins were under rotated and there was a lot of un-needed correction hops. I think instead of trying to get as many spin combos in one move, you should be concentrating on doing fewer spins but with more dialled landings. I am not a fan of the music nor the whole scarecrow lifetyle thing. I thought I would post some constructive criticism rather than the standard "get a bmx" reply as you are obviously not going to change.
  16. I think it's just because you are anal as f**k when it comes to your wheels and tyre! Oh, and bar/stem, and gear ratio, and pedals.....what I am trying to say is you are anal as f**k when it comes to setting your bike up, seems to pay off though.
  17. the thing with vee is, it uses pads in a different way so if it's good on maguras it normally doesn't mean it's good on vees and vice versa, TNN pads being the only exception.
  18. there's the problem.
  19. if your magura has as much hold as your vee then it sounds like your vee wasn't as good as it could be. I only ever found two pads that brought out the best in vees, one being TNN LGV pads, they other was my own Joypad material. No Magura I have tried has ever had the sheer brute force of a good vee setup.
  20. looking forward to seeing Danny's one! I am not a fan of the advert though, I hate it when people automatically put people who do "urban" sports as anti social "yoofs" who according to that advert enjoy graffiti, stealing and garage/R&B music.
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