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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I can't guaranty the bb7 caliper works, so if someone else has a brake too that would be sweet.
  2. I have a couple of 24" tyres you can have (both Tioga, nothing amazing but they are round, made of rubber and can hold an innertube in place. I also have an Echo TR isis 128mm bb, a railed or pivotal seat, some old Atomlab pedals and a bb7 caliper, all of which you can have and I do not expect money or them to be returned. Let me know if you want them and I'll get them posted.
  3. just get a flat blade screwdriver (or anything thin, hard and long....ohh err) and put it behind the pad and just push the piston back in, easy
  4. pretty cool, but I am not sure if I am totally into his style though.
  5. All I can go on is what you post (and your previous Facebook chats slagging everyone off). You seem to be all about jokes, but what good is a joke if no-one else gets it? You don't see me crying on Facebook because I got annoyed with what people have said to me on the internet. Every time there is a decent video of someone riding street you seem to come on and slag people off, now it's happening to you, deal with it. Maybe if you posted replies that were not written like a 3 year old and realised that there is other types of trials other than the type you ride we could get on better. Giving a fake apology to try and blag a lift to events is a bit dickish too. But yeah, you're right, I don't know you, but I only like to be around people who are decent and not dicks (Sam Nichols being the exception ) so I doubt I'll ever get to know you.
  6. Thing is, I am not judging his riding (apart from the on-offs though, that's valid). I used to ride a bike without a seat and I loved it, I am perfectly happy for Ross to ride his bike how he wants. My first post was a slight poke at previous comments he has made about 24" videos, but I would have thought the tongue smiley would show I wasn't serious about his bike not being bmxy enough but it seems people with the same intelligence as a toddler don't understand things like that. Ross (and Dave) seem to have blinkers on. I bet they think I go out to the skatepark every day and just ride ramps? The truth is I (and other people riding streety bikes) ride just as much trials as people like Ross do, but we also do other fun stuff too.
  7. well you're obviously not happy all the time, something about trials bikes with seats seems to ruffle your feathers.
  8. tell that to the moto trials riders I'll go do some 360 crank flops and I think you should go and do some more on-offs if it will make you happy.
  9. I expect you have a moto trials bike then? I mean you don't JUST rider a lighter version do you? You do jobs proper after all. Oh yeah, as I have said before, my bike is heavier than most modern bmxs, so repeating that lame argument is about as relevant as your face.
  10. your Hope hub as a threaded in ratchet, do you trust that?
  11. looking pretty crap so far, Mark had better click up a gear
  12. he was Inspired's spanner monkey for the night.
  13. at least you can eat a chocolate fireguard, if tried to eat me I don't think it would taste so good.
  14. yeah, cool shots, thanks for uploading them!
  15. definitely tilt the bars back! That will be the one best thing you can do with your bike to make them easier.
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