All I can go on is what you post (and your previous Facebook chats slagging everyone off). You seem to be all about jokes, but what good is a joke if no-one else gets it? You don't see me crying on Facebook because I got annoyed with what people have said to me on the internet.
Every time there is a decent video of someone riding street you seem to come on and slag people off, now it's happening to you, deal with it.
Maybe if you posted replies that were not written like a 3 year old and realised that there is other types of trials other than the type you ride we could get on better. Giving a fake apology to try and blag a lift to events is a bit dickish too.
But yeah, you're right, I don't know you, but I only like to be around people who are decent and not dicks (Sam Nichols being the exception ) so I doubt I'll ever get to know you.