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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C


    "real" cousts look different because they are sanded (or similar) on all sides which gives a different shape and texture to Steve's. Performance-wise, that could be down to the backings, how tall the pads are, what shape the pads are, rim grinds, brake set-up. The people who say one works better than the other are probably the same people who don't like TNN pads, I am suspicious of these people.
  2. whatever, lets just keep the comments be about Jamie's vid
  3. nice riding Jamie, always sweet to see someone mixing it up Ross, does every one of your posts have to be provocative?
  4. Ali C


    "Catch me if you can" I really like that film, even more so because it's based on a true story.
  5. what did he die from?
  6. Ali C

    K124 Land

    Yeah, I remember hearing about this ages ago, I never thought it would become a reality, especially after some of the trouble they have had recently. Looks likethey have done a lot too, I wonder where Koxx days will be held in the future
  7. bought myself some second hand 5-10 shoes the other day, MUCH better than my dads 30 year old shoes that I have been using, and fit better too. I really want to go climbing (well, bouldering mostly) but I am not sure if my foot is up for it yet.
  8. or you can do them properly and not touch the brake
  9. Duncan is so stylish, Ross is all man and Ricky has been practising? Sweet stuff, looks like some nice places to ride too
  10. Hope Pro 2, this should be on your bike
  11. the Premier has some of the best geo of any bike I have use for pure trials. the chainstays are a good length (380mm), bb hight is perfect (+30mm) and the wheelbase not too long (1080). Add that with nice simple design and replaceable dropouts and I am surprised I never saw more of them around.
  12. your bike setup sounds like the most anti-bunnyhop setup I have heard of. If you don't want to buy new stuff (like a shorter higher stem and higher bars) then the first thing I would be doing is tilting the bars back. If you don't want to do that then you are going to have to admit that that will be hard to bunnyhop.
  13. yeah, really cool trailer! Enjoyed that and I want to see the whole vid now
  14. I appreciate the lack of correction hops, deffo the way forward
  15. still not sure if they really "get" the whole street riding thing. Still, there was some good stuff in there, the 270 spin to fufanu off thetable and the crank flip on the rail. Other than those I felt like the riding was quite rushed (whats with riding off everywhere as fast as possible after landing every move too?) the riding didn't look natural if you get me? A lot of it looked forced and because of that the style didn't quite seem right. They can deffo do a lot of stuff, but just because you can do it, doesn't always mean you should do it. I know this may seem quite harsh and I am slagging them off, but I would really like to see them improve their style a bit, they obviously have skills and they could make some seriously good vids if they did.
  16. it's a footjam whip, but the bike goes one way and you go the other meeting back together at the 180 point.
  17. hitting myself in the face with my pedal confirms that downside footjam whips in the wet are sketchy.
  18. sweet riding, shame about your injuries, 2011 has sucked balls! I look forward to your roadtrip edit though.
  19. here's my take. The frame design is fine (if a little close). I don't understand how you could have ridden the frame without knowing that was happening? Your setup isn't fine otherwise it wouldn't have happened. the frame is supplied with bottom bracket spacers, the freewheel spacer isn't supplied because they come with Echo cranks. I am afraid the fault is with the user in this case, the first ride (or even the first time the bike is assembled) should be sufficient to to realize the setup rubs. Those frames are fine when the correct spacers are used.
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