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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C

    Marino Mod

    looks sweet can't wait to see you riding it!
  2. still suspicious , you sure the weights aren't in lbs?
  3. are you letting the bar down to your chest and lifting from there or are you going halfway and using the "bounce" to help get it up? From looking at you I just can't picture it.
  4. That sounds like a lot, I don't have small arms and I could do 70kg 8 reps on the bench press, 25 reps with 35kg curls sounds like a lot too, if you are managing to do these then you need not worry about your strength at all!
  5. that will work really well with his vee brake
  6. won't give a smooth shiny finish though. Using a stanley knife (or one of those retractable long bladed knives), mark with a pen and ruler where you want to cut, ideally with the pad in a vice, but a careful hand will do. Use a bit of soapy water as lube and do long cuts along the line. It will cut though easily and give a smooth shniy finish, perfect for anodised rims.
  7. I don't see why running back sweep is bad for tgs?
  8. yeah, wasn't that keen. the system they use(ed) to preload the top bearing just plain wasn't as good as a split race system that most other companies use. The O-ring was a b*****d to get over some forks and would still allow slight movement unless really cranked up tight.
  9. I have mine so that the from the side, the bars (before they start to sweep) are in-line with my headtube. like this
  10. bar angle pics please, can't say I have ever had wrist pains apart from when my bars have been too far forwards.
  11. my hope headset is going on 2 years old now. I don' use the Head dr just because I have the Inspired topcap, but I have used it before and it worked fine, never snapped the alloy bolt either. I do agree with Mark though, pimp Ti Trialtech topcap and alloy bolt is the way to go!
  12. man, your bars look way too far forwards! It looks like you are getting forced into some pretty random shapes when backhopping and gapping. Ever tried tilting them back? I bet you'll improve quite a bit.
  13. yeah my main income is from demos, but I would class that as semi pro, If I don't do shows, I don't get paid, it's just not in the same class as althetes who have a salary regardless.
  14. I was just mentioning UK riders but yeah, I am sure Leach counts too.
  15. When you get paid to ride your bike regardless of it being for a demo, or just your own time. Chris Akrigg and Danny Macaskill are the only two I can think of. In skating, it's when you have a pro model, so in that regards at the moment Danny would fit that description.
  16. seems some people are yeah. What do you do for a living? Would you mind if someone else took credit for your work?
  17. Ali C


    According to the stewards, Massa crashed into Hamilton Seeing that pug-faced b*****d mash it into the kerb (again ) was quite nice.
  18. We changed the code every month, so they were just valid for that particular month. As far as I know we aren't advertising in there any more so I'm guessing that means it's all over... EDIT: This was Mark.
  19. I liked him, now I'll miss him
  20. I am still on the same pair of TNN LGM pads I put on last year, still very happy with them. They have the most hold of any Magura pad I have tried that's for sure.
  21. haha, seems weird that a line I did over a year ago would be considered for a video ender line, it was more stylish than me though. I thought he was going to manual into it at first.....maybe that should be done
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