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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Sorry - I meant the Onza bars. (This was Mark )
  2. Tarring all "heat treated shit" with the same brush seems pretty ridiculous bearing in mind there are countless different methods and ways of "heat treating shit" which will give said "heat treated shit" different properties. For example, in the BMX world when everyone started going mental over "heat treated shit" certain companies (e.g. Odyssey with their 41Thermal heat treatment process) nailed it, but others f**ked up massively and basically made easily snappable parts.
  3. look at their style, they don't look shit, I don't want to drag any names into who looks shit, but it's pretty obvious when the bar angle us messing with them.
  4. Some people can get away with it (TRA and Gilles being the main two). The issue I have is when it's painfully obvious when watching a rider that the bar angle is making them ride worse, not better. The usual signs are that they ride with their elbows sticking out like they are doing some weird chicken impression, they will be stiffer on the bike and they usually can't get their weight far back enough to pull moves, oh and their riding style goes to shit.
  5. I am not all negative, I am quite the teddybear actually, and his bars seem to have a slight amount of backsweep which is all good in my books.
  6. that seems fine to me, pretty similar to how I ran them in my comp days
  7. Ali C


    I quite enjoy two player split screen survival, that's f**king teeeam woooork!
  8. Get in touch with Iain Withers (owner of The Clan) he goes on a few bivvy rides with groups, he'll be able to offer advice and because he's in the Glasgow/Edinburgh area you could always meet up for the next one.
  9. Ribos, same grip as 5-10? you're having a laugh! I HATE Ribos, they never fit, look weird and don't have much grip. I do like 5-10s however, I ran the Freerunners back when I rode comps and they impressed me, I also used the Freeriders and they were pretty sweet too.
  10. haha, I knew it wasn't right but I couldn't put my finger on it, now I know
  11. I would question the "grippy" part of what you said
  12. it's just something that really emphasizes what I dislike about modern trials bikes. to me trials is about challenging yourself to ride your bike over whatever is put in front of you be that rocks, walls, logs, ramps, muddy slopes or whatever. Having your bars basically makes the bike only good on the rear wheel, it has almost effectively stopped it from being a bike at all. It's not like modern bikes are even bad on the back wheel anyway. I am yet to see someone have a nice style whilst having their bars tilted forwards too, it usually makes them ride "elbows out" which stiffens up the upper body and "usually" makes the riding sketchy. Having the bars at a normal angle usually ends up with the rider in a more natural position, more flexible on the bike, have a nicer style and allows them to actually ride the bike (Japanese weird ramp sections anyone?) so yeah, it's just something I hate and won't stop calling people out for it until they realise bars are that shape for a reason.
  13. seriously what is it with the super tilted forward bars? Is your bike such a pogostick that it's worth making it ride like shit for everything except being on the rear wheel? do you actually ride the bike? I mean like roll across anything remotely bumpy or down slopes? I am pretty sure that will be holding you back rather than helping.
  14. bars back would help, makes more of an "elbows in" rather than weird "elbows out upper body position ruin er"
  15. nice sidehop but Jesus! That bar angle is actually insane! I actually think you'll rince higher hops if the bars were in a rideable position
  16. ah, so that was a separate person you were talking about then?
  17. Classic Andee. This is a topic discussing the matter of trouble out riding and I'll put my thoughts across weather you like them or not. Pugson did not specify he was talking about an exact incident (or if he did he was very vague), it came across more like that was his opinion on how you should treat security guards out and then calling people I know out for being polite. I am right to assume that Pugson was the one on that ride that more than one person has mentioned as being a dick?
  18. You do seem confused. You seem to be thinking that Carl and co are "a bunch of hand wringing apologists" and " bottleless and spineless losers" because they thought acting like a tool and wanting to fight security guards was a bad thing. Normal people tend to have respect for others, if a security guard comes over and is polite to you and asks you to move it's the respectful thing to move on. You seem to think that they have just given you consent to give them abuse and should only move when the police get involved. That's why I think you are confused because that seems to be a pretty childish attitude and you must have meant something else.
  19. Ali C

    3 New Tra Videos

    thought I would mention that I actually really liked "chill ride", that was sweet (the others were pretty boss too!)
  20. for pretty much the same strength but a little lighter you could get a Spank Subrosa or if you want a little wider, the Spank Stiffy is the same weight as the Atomlab, just as strong and is 40mm wide.
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