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Ali C

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Ali C last won the day on February 24

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  • Birthday 02/18/1984

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    Alastair Clarkson
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  1. Yep exactly that šŸ‘šŸ»
  2. I think people would get used to it pretty quickly
  3. I disagree, I think thereā€™s still some big changes that could happenā€¦I can imagine carbon frames designed with some built in vertical flex that acts like a spring. I currently see trials as pole vaulting with a completely stiff pole, imagine how high you could jump if the bike could be slightly preloaded and then unleashed, like a more specifically designed tyre preload. i do agree that all brands using 135mm hubs would be nice though!
  4. I used to feel the same but I honestly think COVID completely reset my entire belief system, I now automatically donā€™t trust the general populations opinions and tend to go the opposite way unless thereā€™s truly compelling evidence theyā€™re right
  5. Iā€™m also pro choice, pro social medicine etc, I have mixed views on LGBTQ but ultimately have no issues with adults living how they want to live but I am against ā€œhateā€ laws that control language, free reign of biological men in female sports and free reign for people (including children) to self allocate gender etc. As I said, I have first hand insight into trans/LGBTQ culture as it affects a direct family member of mine and itā€™s far far far from healthy. As Iā€™ve also said, Trump isnā€™t an exemplary leader but I donā€™t like it when people state things as facts when theyā€™re just allegations, if in the future heā€™s actually convicted of rape then sure, call him a rapist but until then Iā€™d be careful being so black and whiteā€¦this is kinda an issue I have with the left as a whole, they do tend to get the pitch forks out pretty eagerly. Biden has also been accused of sexual assault but because itā€™s just an allegation Iā€™d never claim heā€™s a rapist unless he was found guilty. Being an adulterer isnā€™t ideal but thatā€™s hardly a shock in this day and age, certainly not the first president to be guilty of that. I still donā€™t get the dictator commentsā€¦he had opportunity to become one last timeā€¦is it because he joked about being one? Or because he can sit down and talk with real dictators? I canā€™t remember his response to Covid but I do have very strong feelings as you say, theyā€™ve only been more cemented as times gone by. Iā€™m not going to defend everything heā€™s done though, far from it as I do want to repeat my comments that Iā€™m not a fan of Trump, heā€™s done bad things but then again so has Biden/Harris, Iā€™m just more a fan of the Republican Partyā€™s principles though as mentioned at the start of this reply I think a combination of Democratic and Republican views would be bestā€¦I donā€™t like it when people canā€™t accept that both parties have flawed or valid points.
  6. I didnā€™t want to go too public as some of my opinions are formed from family being involved in the trans/LGBTQ world and itā€™s a sensitive issue. Itā€™s interesting to hear you donā€™t think theyā€™re as left as I do, I guess itā€™s the same thought process I have towards the Republicans not being as right as others think. I certainly think a bit of both would be the best way forward. Iā€™m definitely willing to change my opinion if Trump starts to do some really dodgy stuff, I really hope it works out and I really hope this is the start of the end of going through life worrying about offending the wrong people and cancel culture etc.
  7. I did type out a big reply but to be honest even though I donā€™t have extreme views, I feel some would think they are and no good would come of it. So Iā€™ll just say that Iā€™m no Trump fan, I think the Republicans would be better off with Vance but Trump will have to do for now and I hope this is a new direction away from the extreme lefty direction the world has seemingly been heading. I did actually try to send you a DM but you canā€™t receive messagesā€¦took me bloody ages to write too šŸ˜­
  8. I was honestly worried Harris and co would be the bigger dictator risk, they seem to really love controlling media, controlling debates, controlling questions etc, they also seemed really bad at taking criticism. Now this was more of a worry with Biden to be honest, I donā€™t know a huge deal about Harris but Biden definitely put me off the democrats quite a bit. I feel theyā€™re quite similar to Justin Trudeau and heā€™d make a brilliant dictator. Im a big believer in free speech and it makes me sad that in the UK we donā€™t have an automatic right to that. I believe free speech will be more protected with Trump and even though heā€™s still quite embarrassing at times I honestly think he and his cabinet will be better for democracy than Harris and co. Plus he wasnā€™t a dictator last time.
  9. They all are šŸ˜¢
  10. I see people donā€™t like the idea of him being able to sit down and talk with people like Putin, I see it more of keeping your friends close but your enemies closer situation. Id rather have someone on friendlier terms with dangerous leaders who might have more ability to calm situations down than a leader that tries to fight fire with fire. I also think the Russia/Ukraine situation is more complex that it might appear with Zelenskyy not being a total angel himself (though I have to say Putin is absolutely a jerk and extremely dangerous no question about that). Hopefully Trumps boasts about being able to stop the war quickly isnā€™t just hot air, I do think heā€™s in a better position than Harris to make it work purely because of his better ā€œrelationshipā€ with Putin, I guess weā€™ll soon see
  11. Itā€™s a sign that people have had enough of ā€œwokenessā€, itā€™s reassuring that thereā€™s still some common sense left in the world. Weā€™ll have to see if thereā€™s increased tariffs which I agree isnā€™t ideal but I think thatā€™s better than having the democrats in control over thereā€¦their behaviour has been really concerning to me.
  12. Not gonna lie, Iā€™m quite relieved Trump won the election.
  13. Have you tried a blowtorch? a quick blast to burn off any contaminants should help. Youā€™re not wanting to get it red hot or anything, I like to look closely and watch for an evaporating effect, it happens pretty quickly and you can just follow it around the rotor, you donā€™t need to take it off the bike or anything. I donā€™t think you neeed to do both sides but I often give the other side a lighter blast trying my best to avoid the spokes. Hope that helps!
  14. With a new disc it doesnā€™t really matter the thickness as theyā€™ll both have a sharp corner but a thinner one will keep its edge better for future grinds. both steel or stone will work but I find a steel one gives a slightly more consistent light grind. Iā€™ve never used an adjustable speed grinder, a cheap one that goes fast will be fine. No, youā€™re uncovering fresh new metal so itā€™s ready to go. No, if the grind is still fresh and working well then you wonā€™t need to redo it for different pads.
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