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Everything posted by Sameer

  1. What year is she in? My brother does all that freestyle football crap and was in Loughborough's 5th team so I'm guessing he would be up for doing a little something for her. Not trials, but I'm guessing she wants other things as well. Especially seeing as Loughborough's a sporty place.
  2. Please tell me where you bought it from. Everywhere I've searched (in England) has run out of them.
  3. Sameer

    Song Wanted

    Give a better description of the video, please. It'll probably be AFI but I need to know which video you're referring to.
  4. The official average is 2 hours for every year of age. So an 18 year old, for example, would average 36 hours of lessons. I've had about 14 so far. Passed the theory after like 5 lessons so that it's out of the way. Practical booked for late September, but I'll try and get cancellations nearer the time. Can't wait.
  5. ^^ Also won't get much more expensive than that!
  6. Hmm... I guess it was ok. To be honest though, I was disappointed by an apparant lack of effort. It's not everyday you take a 2 week trip abroad for full on riding and good times so personally I'd have documented it a shit load more. It seemed like you took the camera out every now and then whenever you wanted to sit down for a rest for a minute or so. You went on a whole load of awesome rides, and nass, but gave us like a minute and half of footage. It also seemed to be edited in a rush to a song that's been used before. Fair enough you're going to say something along the lines of just wanting to come and have fun and not overly bothered about filming, etc. and if that's the case you shouldn't really have bigged it up as much in the weeks prior. Anyway, I don't care. It's not my roadtrip. I just thought it'd be nice for yourself to look back in years to come at a decent video as opposed to something half-assed. On a lighter note, Matt Staples looks good on a 24. xx
  7. 1) That's not funny. Abdul's probably littered in front of them in several bits. 2) This thread is stupid because people will find 'cool' stuff to paste that'll make them look good, regardless of whether or not it was what was actually on their clipboard. 3) I have to go to work now.
  8. If he's a relatively new to trials, yes. I know you were only asking, and I gave a substantially helpful answer. I've also gone out of my way to find you some relevant topics that may further aid your tough decision making. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....topic=30515&hl= http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....evelboss+review http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....topic=32516&hl= Of course you can also search the forums yourself.
  9. Firstly, wrong section of the forum. Secondly, I'm assuming by your incompetance that you are new to the trials world. Assuming this, either frame would be of equal use to you. New riders are not in the position to give a f**k about slight differentials in geometry, and if you somehow do... don't. I don't know the prices of either frame, but that's all you need to answer your question. Sorry if you're intimidated by this post, or the tone in which you perceive it to have been typed in, but you'd only otherwise have gotten a load of 'nice' answers that wouldn't actually mean anything to you and realistically be of no use to you. You are still learning. Both frames will help at the same rate because you cannot compare either one since you probably lack experience in riding different types of frames, thus have no preferential geoemtry that may boost your learning curve. So yeah, price and prettiness. Both of which you can decide for yourself. *goes off to smell a flower*
  10. Sameer

    "guess Who™"

    A thick accent is nothing to feel insulted about...?! Like if I were to put on a Scottish accent, it wouldn't be as strong (/thick) as someone from the high hills on the moors of Scotland. Ah, I can't explain it fo' shizzy. Basically he wasn't taking the piss outta Scots in the slightest. On a related note, I've never read a Harry Potter book. Might do one day. Getting through 'Angels and Demons' at the moment though.
  11. I have a sweet tooth for Terry's Orange Chocolate, or any white chocolate, or those Mars Delights. Well, most chocolates really. (N)
  12. Haven't you just finished year 12?
  13. I'm not defending anyone. I'm upset that the finger is always held firmly in one direction. Like I said earlier, who am I to know for sure that a certain group did it or not? If it was Al-Qaeda then fine, I'm just as annoyed and upset at them as, I'm sure, every other person is. Luke, you say that I have power trips and defend Islam, but isn't that equated by the power trips of everyone else who says "f**king Islam"? Yes it is. Yep, this has turned into another argument, which is a shame, but it was going to happen anyway.
  14. Umm... Iraq? Any reason good enough to kill thousands of people? People are posting too quickly in this thread, argghh.
  15. When the f**k did I say I hate this country, Luke? In fact, f**k it. I don't even care for anything you have to say anymore.
  16. Sameer

    The O.c

    I was kinda disappointed with the way it ended. It was like, yeah he got shot - the end. I was hoping for some OC orthodox ending and that one of the clan would leave in some way. Ryan should have stayed injured on the floor when Summer and Seth arrived. It should have ended with Marissa either breezing off in her Mustang or in the back of a Police car. That would have been more OC-like. Leaving a lot more tension and suspense. Gotta wait a f**king year though for the next series. If Neighbours can go on non stop everyday then the OC should be able to, too!
  17. But Al-Qaeda isn't a nationality. French members...?
  18. Doing a Bsc in Economics for 3 years, then possibly a Masters in something or other after that. Not too sure about that at the moment. Will definitely give you a shout if (when?) I get in. :S
  19. Well of course it's f**king terrorism! A roof doesn't just blow off a bus without being deliberately blown off. I never denied it was an act of terrorism, but I said it's annoying how they think there is only one terrorist organisation on the entire planet. Already in this one thread a number of different people have started blaming religion. I'm not sure whether I should be laughing or fuming! Where in the f**k have you got religion in to this from? Why would it be religiously just to blow up a couple of buses? You wouln't know the answer because you don't know anything about any religion, other than the damn word 'Jihad'. And the bloke who said there are sound Arab sources... take a second to think why oh why they stitch them up? Why would an Arab tell on an Arab, knowing it would make both look equally as bad, since they're the same? People always lose common sense when it comes to terrorism events, always. The truth is that there is absolutely no way at all of them knowing who it was without a true confession from the party involved (and not some phony one from people in costumes...!), which will never happen itself. But the Government know that the people want answers, and as usual the only answer they know how to give is the arabic term for 'the base'. Shame, really. By the way, I'm not saying it absolutely 100% wasn't Al-Qaeda, because like everyone else I don't know anything. We can speculate forever with no forseeable conclusion, but that gets nobody anywhere especially when there are more important short term issues at hand, like getting the city back up and running.
  20. But it's ok to blame 'Al-Qaeda', though? Seriously, why the shiznit are they thinking about Alqy, when two major events have taken/are taking place that will undoubtedly aggrevate certain groups of people, of whom the Islamic terrorists couldn't be associated with at all? It's both petty and irritating how they always point the finger to them whenever something remotely unusual happens, as if there's only one terrorist organisation in the world...! The French have more than enough reason to hate Brits at the moment, not only because of the Olympic bid (which had, has, and will have HUGE implications both economically and politically, so it's not just some minor point to shun out) but because the two leaders argued fiercely over global issues in the past months. They're not really 'friends' at the moment. ... anyway, I'm annoyed that people point the finger of blame but here I am doing exactly that, so that can kinda stop now. I don't think they've reported any deaths at the moment so that's a good thing. It shouldn't take too long for the entire London emergency service to clean up the mess, and so London could technically be back up and running tomorrow. But obviously they'll need to let it drag on long enough to make it a lasting thing like Sept 11. Tralla la la la la.
  21. Sameer


    Make scrambled eggs. Toast some bread. Fold the toast in half, bung in the egg. Add addition flavouring sauce as required. Hmm... I better go make one.
  22. It was a feature film made for the BBC. Read all about it here.
  23. Wasn't gonna post this but... whatever, check it. > skavengerBMX Trailer for *something* ^_^" :-
  24. Sameer

    Crazy Frog

    Yes, everyone knows it's annoying as. We don't need umteen equally irritating threads to remind us. :-
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