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Everything posted by Sameer

  1. Sameer

    New Game

    I must have seen about 13 million variations of these things, and I still get the shitzo scared out of me. I'm such a pussy. :ermm:
  2. Here's an alternate link, although this ones is in .mov format - so you'll need Quicktime, hombre.
  3. Have a butchers round eBay for a Shimano carbon jobbie. Seriously stiff shizzle there (well on Raub's bicycle anyway). Or if you want to be ultra hardcore like myself, go to Halfords and buy a few packs of the Tektro badboys and whack them all in at the same time. Phwooaoaaahhh. :ermm:
  4. Ok, well there's so many amazing bmx videos out and about, and being a trials forum, I can imagine someone getting pretty pissed with a load of bmx video threads. So here's a few links to the videos worth me posting, and if anyone else wants to add some, please do. fatmike, of the bmx kind Eric Holley's 'Aspire' entry Some brakeless guy Nick Anderson's 'Aspire' part That'll do for now. (Most of them are on eengoedidee, since there isn't exactly a bmx-shack kicking about).
  5. Click here for the histoire. Now there's a site I haven't been on in fking yoinks... Edit: Actually, just reading over it - being an American site an'all, they claim it to have started in America, whereas I'm sure a Spanish site would beg to differ. But you should get the jist, really.
  6. Something along the lines of... some mateys wanted to practise their moto-trials but didn't want to use their motorbikes, so the used push bikes instead. OR, moto-trialers wanted their kiddies to also participate, but the moto-trials bikes were too big or expensive to run and so they gave them push bikes to use temporarily - and eventually it caught on and became a 'sport' in its own right.
  7. Thanks guys. Sage Francis - Climb Trees
  8. Hello, there was a rather large ride in Reading on Sunday. I was lucky enough to meet a load of new people, as well as seeing some boring old ones. Since I was on the old bmx, I didn't get to ride much so I took it upon myself to do a load of filming instead. I whooped this baby up in literally like 15 minutes, and I didn't bother with any of the flashy shiznits this time round. I didn't know everyones name, so I decided not to put any in at all. Also, my camera battery kinda ran out, so I wasn't able to film as much as I'd liked. But anyway, I tried to get a bit of everyone in - and because of that, I'm sorry if you're in it and you feel your clip doesn't portray a true representation of your ability, but hey - at least you're in there. Blah, blah, here's the vid > Click me. It's friggin' 38mb and just uner 4 minutes long. Sorry but that's about all I could compress it, since the quality wasn't all too good to start off with. Toodle ooh.
  9. Right, the quick and easy guide to touch hops: - Have the ability to bunnyhop both wheels at the same time (standard shit). - Introduce yourself to a tiny wall, nothing more than like a foot and a bit. - Learn to replace/wheel switch/whatever you call it. - Apply same principles but with added couple of pedal strokes. - Or skip the replacing and do this: - Roll along, half pedal so the front wheel is ontop of the wall, then do a double-wheel bunnyhop. - You'll most probably land both wheels on the wall at first. - Practise weight shifting techniques to remain on the backwheel after the above manouevres. That probably makes no sense, but it's exactly how I used to do them. That's the technique for walls you can get your front wheel ontop of, by the way. The "ramming it into the wall" version comes later. Just watch a load of vids, you'll get it soon enough.
  10. Crazy blowing up majigga. Someone tell me level 24 is possible. >_<
  11. Admin would have deleted it I'd have imagined. Got boobies from 'em all, but that's about it :S
  12. Sameer

    Bmx Questions

    Best pegs on a budget, anyone? Don't wanna spend anymore than around £15, to be honest. I had a look on some online shops but they charged like a fiver for postage (which is probably more than fine, but I'm used to the free postage of the mtb world, so more of that please). And other places were confusing as to whether it was one peg or a pair they were selling. So anyway, best budget pegs for street and a bit of park - oh and the link, of course. (Y)
  13. The Gay bomb. Musta had some explode on a few people in this forum, I tells thee.
  14. Cheers Noz, I'll have a peep later. ^_^
  15. Um um um Avid SD3, perhaps...? Not too sure ^_^. Either that or an SD5. Definately one of the two.
  16. How do you adjust the lever so that its default position is slightly further towards the bars than usual? Anyone know what I mean? Like, when I'm not pressing the lever it's slightly too far for my finger to grab a comfortable hold on. Thanks.
  17. Still don't follow you. What other sources have I been looking at, and talked about? Are you talking about something from another thread? If you're talking in reference to the second paragraph: ...that was a completely subjective thought. I didn't read that anywhere and I'm not asking anyone to believe me. It was just something I was thinking about...? Hence, "it would be interesting to see", not "I know that nobody will like America". Or maybe I've misunderstood you. ^_^
  18. Yes. I wonder if they'll release Saddam now (um, no) since they took him down for the reason they couldn't prove. And don't say some shit like "oh they can take him down for war crimes" because Saddam can easily spit back by reminding everyone how the invasion of Iraq wasn't even legal in the first place. It would be interesting to see how, if this news was broadcasted as much as it deserved, other countries now feel about being part of the "Allied" forces, and if they would give a shit if America was invaded.
  19. No WMD's afterall. I saw this on BBC News 24 a few days ago. It was one 3 minute report. It's never been on since. Sad really, how the entire world is run by a man who lies to kill. (I realise nobody actually cares, but I thought I'd post anyway).
  20. That's the funniest thing I've seen in ages. Harsh though.
  21. You hear it everyday. You discuss it everyday. If given the chance to go back to the past, you'd have done something differently, or prevented something else from happening, yeah? Well my question is, if you really could go back in time, would you really do something that hadn't previously happened? And if you were to do something, what would you do? Would it be something you see as insignificant and feel it wouldn't really change much, or would you do the opposite - something which'll undoubtedly leave a greater stain on the thread of time? I dunno, for example, like would you go to Germany and kill baby Adolf? You could probably morally justify doing that by fobbing out some utilitarianist arguments, I guess. (But that's another interesting question actually... would you kill Hitler?) Or on the other hand, would you be pedantic and not touch, talk or interrupt anyone or anything, so as not to adjust future events? We've all heard about chaos theories and the butterfly effect (if that's actually, um, a thing). And if that was the case, why would you even bother going back? Can't think of anything else to write at the mo, so that'll do for now.
  22. Sameer


    Crude? You speak as though you know over 6 million died. Which you don't. The irony is those who say so as second nature are the crude ones. But there's no need to go off topic. Racism. Well... it's human nature to discriminate. Whether people like to use that word or not, it's what it is. Everyone who's anyone will discriminate during their sad lives. "Racial" discrimination was just the term attached to people who continued to class black people as black people even after all the Martin King shinanigans (so I've read, anyway). But then it happens so trivially these days... not even in a bad sense, it's almost, dare I say, natural for it to happen. The obvious examples occur in circumstances similar to the news, where a headline may proclaim a 'black' person did this, or an 'asian' man did that. But the thing is, what suitable substitute is there for the description of such and such a person?! They are black. They are white. They are brown. I guess what I'm trying to lead to is; I reckon it's only because of people of the race being mentioned that racism exists. People are too insecure and aren't self-sufficent enough to accept who and what they are. And it was that very insecurity that eventually, along the grand scale of time, kinda allowed the manifestation of racial terms. Like, people wanting to hurt somebody would acknowledge the insecurity of man and use it against them. If black people don't want to be called a "nigga" or a "negro" by someone of non-black nature, they should have let it die down with the mainstream racism in America. It's only cos of them continuing to use it that it's dragged on, and now being used as a weapon. But having said that, there may have been reasons for them using the word "nigga" amongst themselves, but I wouldn't know. Anyway, all that is about what should and shouldn't have happened. Looking ahead, I'd say as this world continues to fludge into an ignorant state, racism (and some other types of discrimination) will only get worse. As someone mentioned, I think, the nationalist parties of countries continue to gain more power over the years. I have no idea what can be done to stop it, really. So I'm a bit shit, I guess.
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