Don't forget the roots of TF - the old tenbytrials message board (I think...). And the little 'contact' box on their website that was surprisingly well managed!
Word to pretty much everything Chris has said. I remember religiously trawling through magazines to find any possible hint of trials, failing that looking at any hardtail bike with a slightly downward sloping toptube and thinking how awesome it would be to own. There was also a channel called Rapture many moons ago that showed skateboarding and surfing all the time but every now and then you'd find the show on mountain bikes and, if you'd been a good boy that year, you'd be lucky to catch a glimpse of some observed trial event somewhere.
When I eventually first blagged a hardtail 'slalom' frame and built it up, I'd go to the local bike shop all the time looking for anything that might be of use on a trials bike, often confusing the shop staff who hadn't a clue what trials was!
Good times.
edit: I was going to leave off the part about how it's a lot more accessible now and how starters have it much easier these days, but I just saw this and it made me smile: