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About delusional

  • Birthday 03/15/1983

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    Echo Hi-Fi, Echo, Hope, blah.

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  1. I don't have a problem with you saying you're not black, I had a problem with him asking you if you were based upon your previous comments and I had a problem with you saying "If i was black, id be f**ked cause i dont like blacks". If you want to debate that with me we can do it somewhere else. I think I've hijacked this thread too much now. You speak a lot of sense man. It's likely I responded with more vehemence than I would normally, but I've been reading a lot of Frantz Fanon today and was pretty riled up. Not the right time for someone to start making racist comments where I can see them! Still, I stand by what I said. While we can look at any statement and say that in and of itself it is not unacceptable, we say that from within a society that we can deconstruct and ultimately say is entirely fictitious. Everything we surround ourselves with is a fiction and can't be said to have any inherent truth, but within that framework some things can be said to be "bad". I wouldn't say I'm entirely free of hypocrisy (although I do try), but I'm certainly a long way from being overtly racist. Even if I were a complete hypocrit, does that make what I say any less valid? Still, sorry for hijacking your thread. I think you're right about society influencing our opinion on death, and was going to post something to this effect earlier. Certainly in some other cultures death is not seen as the negative thing it is for us, it must be said that this is largely a religious influence from what I know though, so that obviously has bearing. I'd be willing to bet there has been a society at some point that has not collectively believed in an after life yet has not mourned death however. In a society built around these principles I don't think it has any negative affect on the perception of life, in fact, as you say, it could well make life a more positive thing. However we live our lives with the shadow of death always hanging over us, no matter what you do there's always this darkness lying in wait that you can't avoid. It's almost as if we can't accept the fact that we'll all die some day and have to spend all our time running from it, I guess our society is collectively very arrogant and we can't accept this factor that we really have no control over. If society as a whole could come better to terms with the fact that each individual life will end then it may be that people would live happier lives. However, because we do perceive death in this way I think it would be dangerous to override the negative emotions we associate with it. No matter how effective the machine at removing the negative, I think there would always be damage done... something like a hole torn in you to be rather cliched about it. I think it would cheapen our value of life as well, in many ways I think we feel more horror at death than we do wonder at life. Generally, if I had the option to do this I don't think I would. I may use it in small doses to give myself a break from the mourning if the pain was too much, but I wouldn't make it all go away. I'd even say I would somewhat appreciate the mourning... I imagine the fact that I appreciate it is culturally imbibed, but then so are most things about me, that's no reason for me to reject them.
  2. I never tried to stop anyone saying or thinking anything. But such comments should not be allowed to pass without, well, comment. If no-one says anything then such comments and views begin to become acceptable, and that is utterly unacceptable. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. ...
  3. Just because people hold an opinion doesn't make it correct. I'm well aware that people hold these opinions, yet it continues to shock me that they consider it appropriate to voice them so casually. That I accept they exist doesn't mean I have to accept that they shall always exist and let them pass without comment.
  4. !!! What the f**k does the colour of someone's skin have to do with their ability to mourn or feel guilt?What the f**k does the colour of someone's skin have to do with whether or not you like them or not?f**k off.Seriously, what on earth made you think comments like that are even vaguely acceptable? There's one emotion that any Penfield machine should never be able to remove and that's the shame that you should be feeling right now.
  5. iRiver H340. I haven't yet seen another mp3 player with as much useful functionality as these. They're a bit chunkier than the other options, but there are awesome LCD remotes available that mean you never have to take it out of your bag. It: functions as a standard usb hdd, so you don't need any rubbish software to copy files over and can simply plug it into any computer and have it show up as an external hdd. This makes it great for carrying around files/back-ups/etc, you can even put an OS on it and boot most modern PCs from it.has a USB 1.1 host built in, so you can plug other USB devices (like digi-cams, external hdds, etc.) into it and copy files across without a computer. Especially good for taking pictures off a digi-cam without the need for a computer (like when you're on holiday, or out riding)fm radio built ingreat looking colour screenvideo support out of the boxinternal mike and aux in for recording to mp3 (so you can record direct from tape/md/etc)proper aux out for connecting to an amp/stereodecent sound quality (generally reported as being better quality than the iPod)and cool carbon effect look!The only issue I've had with mine is that the default software is a little slow on startup, but installing RockBox is a quick and easy job, and is really rather nice to use. Also has the added bonus of being a file based system rather than tag based, which is an advantage if, like me, you have thousands of mp3s that aren't correctly tagged and no inclination to spend weeks tagging them all. Mines been going for about a year now without any problems. I know some people who've had them for a couple of years with the only problem being the batteries eventually wearing out (as all batteries do), but they're apparently very cheap to replace on eBay. Also possible to upgrade to 80gig drive if you feel like opening it up (hopefully I'll be doing this soon).
  6. For anyone trying to find the valid link for the original file, click here (direct link). The nopogo article about the video is over here (although I don't know what it says). EDIT by OBM: Edited it back into the original page
  7. If you look on eBay you can get a Sony CDX-GT100 for about £60 including postage. Here's one I found - I think I bought my speakers from those guys and had no problems at all. You pay about a tenner extra to get the GT200 that will handle mp3 CDs as well, don't know how useful that would be for you. At £60 it's pretty good and I found generally positive reviews of them around about, so it's not going to sound too bad.
  8. Nothing at the moment I've been looking about a bit for the future. I may get a few bits for/after christmas, but really I'm just looking to have an idea what I want to get when I actually have some money. It'll probably be as cheap as possible though, even bottom of the range stuff is going to be a bit of a stretch on student budgets! At the moment I've got a set of JBL GTO527s in the rear panels (which have made all the difference from my standard, 15 year old, literally falling apart speakers) and a crappy Kenwood HU. Next on the list is a new HU, quite possibly the Alpine you recommended above. Then maybe some JBL comps for the front. If I can find somewhere to mount it where it's not going to get wet then maybe an amp after that, but that's a little way down the line yet!
  9. Do people think that running comps without an amp is alright then? I'd been told (and read on lots of car audio places) that if you don't have an amp comps are a bad idea and full range speakers will generally sound better. Would that just a bit of car audio snobbery coming through there? I'm trying to upgrade my car stereo bit by bit, but it's unlikely to get an amp in there for a long time (if at all). The next thing on my list is a decent HU with aux in so I can connect up my mp3 player. I'm glad to see the recommendations here as I was looking at a Sony (CDX GT200), but figure I'll go for that Alpine with an aux in adapter instead now! It'll look neater not having the aux in cable trailing all over the front of the HU as well
  10. Graham Jarvis. On my home turf, so I can finally see all those impossible sections I've spotted being flattened (and probably see him discover, and piss all over, things I'd never even dreamed of). Probably Toni Bou as well on both cycle and motor bikes, but only after I've learnt enough Spanish to be able to have a conversation with him!
  11. I decided a while ago that when I have a child I'd like one of it's names (probably it's middle name) to be Siddhartha. I figured that as Siddhartha, or Buddha, is pretty much a byword for peace and enlightenment in contemporary culture, and as a name in a very real sense defines the person, a child with a middle name that pretty much means enlightenment can't help but be a peaceful person. It can also be shortened to sidehop or even Artha to prevent any sort of playground nastiness
  12. Is the closing date for entries on the entry form accurate? i.e. 10th November? Also, is it going to cost anything to just watch without riding? If I'm still able to enter I'm considering riding, but will almost definitely be coming along to watch.
  13. As far as I've heard the launch date is looking to be more like the 14th December now. I think basically it'll be done when it's done, hopefully that'll be sooner rather than later though!
  14. Yeah, that's pretty much it. As well as saying that I feel the need to make a conscious effort to counter the affect, because I don't like it! Definitely up for riding over Christmas.
  15. This is something like 5 years old, but still a brilliant picture. Makes me smile every time. That's DJ Bob in the late, great Dance Academy in Plymouth. I had some wicked nights in that place
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