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Everything posted by JD™

  1. have you tried in the classified section? put out a wanted thread, someone might have one laying around as a spare that they could post you? J
  2. i dunno about that, i reckon the new breed of bikes look damn impressive but i think the reason for that is I always went for the more extreme looks, even in the old school an ES4 or a Levelboss were damn low, compared to a pashley mhz or something. I think thats why i like the look of them, but its not about the looks. I wont change from the frame i have now and love if it wont make a difference, or will make me more unstable! J
  3. Hi guys, might be a bit boring, but once again I'm coming back from a long while off and keep getting random queries enter my head while I'm at work. One of these is just how much the geometry of frames has changed over the past few years. For sampling sake I'm going to compare the 2003 Echo ES4 that I ride at the moment and the '07 Gu that I am likely to buy in the future, then ask you guys whats brought about these changes. The Echo has a zero drop bb, 15" chainstays, a 72.5 degree headangle and a wheelbase of around about 1040 whereas the GU has a 60mm rise on the BB, a 71 degree headangle and a wheelbase of 1080. To me, that sounds like an old Koxx Levelboss with slightly shorter stays and more standover height. Except for one thing: why has the BB rise come about? I know that on average the new bikes aren't as drastic as the GU, but all have a rise of some sort. Is it just clearance or does it help in other ways too? Cheers. J
  4. JD™

    Simpsonize Me!

    i went with the before and after style:
  5. *agrees* just use the caustic soda this time!
  6. haha, yea thats the hospital printer and i did mention that to them! compensation will come out of an accident fund, which wont be a huge amount because I cant sue the driver personally.
  7. no mate, hit and run. i was too busy picking my face off the pavement to see what car it was or anything. no CCTV up there either grin (hardly) and bare it. I'm back on the bike now though, but always be careful! J
  8. I apologise if theres some sort of injuries forum i haven't noticed, please move if thats the case. I thought I'd put up a pic of what happens when someone in a car knocks you off a trials bike from behind. My face mega hurt, but now its back to just being bad scars. Yes. Thats Bone you can see in my cheek . J
  9. That would make me cream. x
  10. Hi Guys, I was just realising just how ancient my old Echo ES4 is, and remembering about how people used to love to ride them but hated the fact they snapped quite often and it lead me to wondering whether anyone else is using them full time at the moment? I love the new Echo's and the Czars, but I'm so attached to my trusty ES4 that I dont see myself changing it till it snaps, and it hasnt so far! Cheers, J
  11. i know it might sound really obvious, but got to eliminate the easy stuff first, but have you taken the pads out and had a go at giving them a good clean around the pistons? J
  12. i definately didnt think there'd be many people on here that had just started riding again. My absense can be explained by being knocked off the bike by a dick head drunk driver a couple of weekends ago, losing half my face and then spending some time in hospital. I shall not be kept off the bike though, just had to rebuild the back wheel thats all! anyone ride caterham/croydon way and want to help me relearn this trade? J x
  13. Hey people, It's been about 3 years, but I got the trusty old Echo ES4 out the shed last night and felt the addiction seep back through my veins. I was wondering whether anyone else has spent this long off a trials bike from like 17-20, then got back on and realised that your moves are just as big, if not bigger (and a lot more scruffy) than they used to be? I never thought strength was a big factor in trials, but it seems I was wrong. Trust that I will be out as often as I possibly can over the coming few weeks to see whether I can get the smooth factor back, and then come out on some rides jaYDee
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