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Everything posted by JD™

  1. you only want half kids? EDIT: then again i guess they would only be half yours anyway... J
  2. JD™


    i just text "why does sex with babies turn me on so much, even after a good hard wank?" to be sent to my mates phone, awaiting the mess.... EDIT: answer... is... shite.... "pe*dofilia is morally wrong, illegal and emotionally damaging, the AQA will not send any answers to questions of this nature" there goes the next madeline question then. J
  3. JD™

    Rebooting Help?

    do what he said, but without the nero option to make it bootable, the image will already be bootable as someone said up there. failing that, ubuntu for the win J
  4. i guess ill find out that bit when it comes! cheers for the heads up, hopefully it helped the other guy too. J
  5. im just about to go through the same dilemma, with my girlfriend moving away to uni. got to have faith that over a years worth of relationship wont be thrown away just because of a couple of hundred miles or whatever. it's bound to be hard but if you trust the girl you're with and even more importantly you trust yourself, you will be fine. J
  6. ch-ching! *insert corny gameshow style "thaaaaat's right!" here*
  7. what other things have you stroked then?! i would like to learn to live within my means J
  8. haha, no not quite. she's just always been a damn spoilt child and expects the same from me while im paying for a flat and all the bills and stuff. the whole thing actually started because she wouldnt do the washing up lol. it's all good now though, i bought myself an RC Helicopter to make me feel better! i did the same sort of thing when i was 17 and the girl was 14, and noone seemed to have a major problem, its just that it couldnt work out because she was in school, i was in college and there was just too much of a maturity gap which you dont see in the beginning. J
  9. the risks we take in our chosen sport mate. cajones help. J
  10. women. nuff said for the moment. when i calm down i may elaborate. J
  11. not one of you recent repliers realised how old this topic is? i'm pretty sure he'll have sorted it out in the past year or so J
  12. scenes of a sexual nature - not great but definately worth a light giggle - 8/10 9 months - watched with the lady, not great but not the worst film. actually made me quite emotional at one point - 8/10
  13. is it just me or does everyone in this topic seem to have the wrong idea? then again, it could be that i've got the wrong idea but I think that what he meant is something like designing a frame and sending it to deng or onza or someone and seeing whether it ends up being in their range? J
  14. email the guy on : james@26twenty.com he still has it, he's ridden it since but it's still in good nick. hope you get it no problem (in advance) J
  15. billocks, i originally opened this video and did exactly what i normally do when i mistakenly open a mod video - i closed it. Then I read the other comments you recieved, went back to page one and watched it. You've changed my natural reaction to mod vids. J
  16. thats an absolute beauty of a limey, best I've seen. Great pics too adam. J edit: removed pics from quote
  17. If you're going to correct a post, do it properly please The video was shockingly awful, by the way. J
  18. I've PM'd him for you. I hope I'm not breaking any rules, and if I am I apologise, but I think a guy who needs help should be helped. J
  19. mr jones - counting crows or i just got this symphony going - the fall of troy rather different! J
  20. hi all, i originally said i would pop up for this and now I'm quite annoyed that I have to work for a while on sunday. How long is the ride likely to last? If people will still be riding at like 5pm then I should be able to. I know that thats a long long time after the start, but with there being so many of you it might last that long? if so, i'll have to take someones number to give a ring. Cheers, J
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