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Everything posted by JD™

  1. thats lol like so haha annoying lmao get used to your new forks and all will be good J
  2. well anyone who wants to show me some spots for a couple of hours on saturday should give me a text/call today (because i need to know before tomorrow so i can ride to work) on 07817762550. if not i wont bother bringing the bike down. J
  3. i really do apologise for not being able to read the whole post, and without sounding harsh i knew i didnt want to when i read this: i dunno why, it just gave me the impression that you were going to have a simple problem notched into 600 paragraphs. but i hope you sort it and someone else is more sympathetic... sorry. J
  4. im coming down for the weekend from friday night onwards to see my bird who lives in gately halls.... anyone want to ride saturday or sunday in the day? J
  5. JD™

    Car Choices

    Erm, forgive the obvious question.... how much do you have to spend? And what can you afford insurance wise/running costs etc? J
  6. does anyone else feel like you guys are giving him exactly what he wants? He clearly wanted to make an impact, and piss some people off. And guess what, people are still talking about him 5 years later... who's the fool now. I was one of the people around the first time, and he was a complete and utter knob, but that doesn't mean he didn't get exactly what he wanted - people talking about him. i say leave the pete wright misery and pathetic-ness (yea, like that's a real word) to rot and die until we forget about him and find someone else to rip into for years to come. Shotgun not me. J
  7. i'd probably be more fussed if you learnt to spell/use punctuation. The impression you give with posts like that is that you actually ARE one of those "scum bags" thats drinks in fields and makes passes on taken women. Obviously you're not, but maybe take that into account next time you're looking to set yourself apart from these people. </rant> J
  8. i'm sure we're all dying to know.... how did it go? J
  9. my first bike was a marin rift zone, back in around 1999/2000. it was my xc bike which quickly showed me that i needed something rigid, so i traded it in for 2 bikes - one of which was for my dad and the one I had was some steel 14" no name frame but with semi ok bits on it. after breaking that for a while I bought my ES4, which is still going strong 4/5 years later because it had a couple of years off J edit: forgot the cost, the rift zone was £1300ish and my ES4 new cost me around £1400ish and would now be worth about £50. battered.
  10. unfortunately this is one of the common side effects of infections in general, its just another of the symptoms of congestion. what works for me? try not to concentrate on it. you'd be surprised just how much you make it stick around just by thinking about it too much. get out on your bike, that always seems to help clear my congestion for a bit, albeit your balance is a little worse! J
  11. bones click. joints swell. i did a full set of ligaments in my left knee years ago and it's never felt the same. I didn't have to have quite as extreme surgery as yourself, but every time i fall since then I can't walk for a few days. It used to get SWOLLEN, but now it just gets swollen. Perhaps I was just lucky, but because of my experience I believe there is hope for you yet. Good luck for the next scans, and I hope that i'm not wrong! J
  12. i'm really sorry to have to be this blunt, but you are being (in this particular situation) a complete and utter dickhead! your bird cheats on you. Not only does she cheat on you but she's also enough of a twat to let it happen when you could walk in. you haven't ceased all contact?! have some respect for yourself i dunno whether you have decided to yourself that you couldnt get anyone better or something, but you can and you will. sooner you let this girl go - no matter how close you were/could have been/wanted to be - the better. once a cheat, always a cheat, dont line yourself up for another emotional beating. J
  13. Most likely just your body reacting differently to a fall you could easily have taken back in the day. I.e. it knows its just had an intrusive surgery and also taken a knock, its more likely to swell up quicker to save the same thing happening again. You will most likely swell up quicker on that side for a couple of years yet. My feelings are that you will be fine, and I'll hope thats enough to make it true! J
  14. well wishing from me. i never saw the original thread, but having read the whole way through then realising the dates I'm a little worried for you. Hope it's just a scare and the body doing what it should be, i.e. healing and protecting you from doing the same thing again. J
  15. or perhaps we could encourage new riders to learn things in the right order? i.e. learn to trackstand till you can do it in your sleep with your arms folded with next to no correctional movements before you move onto _anything_ else. And then every time a move is learnt you get yourself to keep going over it until you could do it in your sleep and still make it look easy... if people take the time to learn things properly then we wont need to dream up contraptions to make a difficult yet rewarding sport easy. trials = balance + skill in answer to the first question.... someones said it but its intertia not gyroscopic forces that are your main help J
  16. you know those comments that make you giggle and then realise you're doing it about a hero of yours? no? ah well. J
  17. i have a sticker with a cow on it with signatures of 4 of the members of brand new got it at reading and shook jesse laceys hands. i nearly filled my pants.
  18. poll ***? I would contribute more but I've only used hopes. But if it makes a difference, I wont buy another, I am planning to go BB7. J
  19. ^^^ wearing a lampshade? can't beat reading in a pub
  20. i didnt do physics, but I know plenty of people who did that only did double award science at school. the idea of the first few months at A level is always to bring everyone up to the same level, which is why you'll find some people feeling its real easy because they've already done these bits last year. just keep concentrating and you'll be fine, it's early days yet. maths wise, i did that and it is hard. it's just a fact of life that it's always going to be a difficult subject, but there are easy bits for everyone, so again just concentrate and ride it out. get as good as you can at the bits you struggle with, and excel at the bits you find easy. good luck J
  21. all that he said, except i would add that as much as having everything in advance is EXTREMELY preferable, do not fret if you dont have everything. as long as you have enough to get on the net (after anti virus, as said) then you can sort everything else out from there. This is the way I always do it, because it makes me get the most recent drivers Good Luck, its not as stressful as you'd think. J
  22. i have had good experiences with making a cone from card, and making a sort of pop sheild over the large end with a pair of tights or similar. insert mic into smaller end and point in the direction of source of noise. a very good way of getting clips that mean something on a cheap (SM58) style budget. always more appealing to have your own samples J
  23. trillian is good, thats for sure. J
  24. constant heavy pressure on it *** that will stop the bleeding within the hour, then just go easy on it and repeat if it starts bleeding again. i had one like that, but about 8 inches long and it healed fine, meaty scar but a bit of bio oil sorted that out J
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