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Everything posted by JD™

  1. JD™

    Pocket Rocket

    80 odd views (i'm sure most of them are from here) and not one add request? I'm not an emo scenester but it's nice to know what people think! so it's either you all think we suck or you can't be assed - understandable. hows about just posting thoughts in here? J
  2. before or after? how many humps?
  3. i understand these things can freak people out when they dont know about them, so dont worry about the fact that it will seem simple after this: a CPU/processor is always cycling around a list of instructions which it has put in a queue to do, because it can only do one thing at once. quicker processors seem to be able to do more than one thing at once because they are alternating between lines of code of both programs at tremendous speed. long and short of it is that it is always cycling through this list, even when parts - or all - of the list is empty. System Idle Process is the empty parts of this list. It is not taking up all your CPU power, it is just there to show you that you have that much CPU power remaining. Look into ram problems before you worry about your CPU because if you are seeing the idle process then your CPU has capacity to spare J
  4. JD™

    Pocket Rocket

    Hey guys, It's a long story, I can't be bothered with it! Theres a short bio on the page i'll direct you to. But the point is i'd like you guys to listen to some live recordings my band made the other day. Reason being that I want them to be heard by more people and the views on the page aren't going up because all our mates have already heard it on CD and stuff. If you like it, add us, and please let me know because it would mean a lot after all the hard work thats gone in! www.myspace.com/pocketrocketsocket i hate myspace but you can't beat the music side of it. damn. J
  5. JT man, i dont know you at all, so forgive this emotionless response: IF you can see yourself with this girl at 30 (minimum) THEN: book a flight. get a job (ANY F**KING JOB). marry her (find a way to redo your vows later in life with meaning if you need to). live happy ever after. ELSE get a life, realise you are young and move on. take it as the wonders of the internet. J
  6. JD™

    Gay Test

    sorry if this has been said before, couldnt be assed to read the rest of the thread........ but..... maybe you should just have sex then?! J
  7. Again I say, I reckon _HOPE_ are the ones who know about this subject matter. As said above, you have old information on these hubs and should you feel that you still must be right then feel free to give them a call. Just dont ask whether they were made for trials, they will obviously say no, ask whether they will offer you the normal warranty even if you admit it was used for trials. J
  8. that was a great vid man, i liked the way there was a sense of seeing how much you've progressed lately. especially the move you freaked out on and then obviously got right some other time because it was earlier in the vid. nice one. J
  9. i've got to admit i'd rather have a heavier bike that was light on the front (t-mag with echo lite forks for instance) then a light frame, rear wheel etc that was front heavy. do we not spend most of our time with the front wheel up? J
  10. so when i was talking to guys from hope at the show last month and asked whether they were going to be offering the same sort of warrenties on pro3's for trials riders as for the pro2's (thats my special way of asking whether they designed it for trials as well) and they said that they would.... they were actually just looking to replace loads of hubs all the time?! they are NOT road hubs and they WILL be fine J
  11. you mean like it used to be 3/4 years ago? I agree that it will probably happen again, but you can't pretend that that is a forward progression! Trials evolves - hence the reason of the VHS (hell yea) called evolve back around that same time. It always has evolved and it always will evolve. J
  12. i have a feeling it was misery...............
  13. tip no.1 : dont talk about getting validated and it's more likely to happen - from what i've seen anyway good luck with learning J
  14. I am 100% amazed that this topic made it to 2 pages! Glad you managed to cure the "problem" that never was. J
  15. great vids adam! dunno whether to make another topic or not, so I'll just ask in here - being as it's slightly on topic - does anyone have the oldskool vid with Incubus - The Warmth as the song from around the same era as this? I think it was that Pete (?) bloke who was riding for echo at the time. that vid got me into trials and it would be nice to see it again J
  16. hi, welcome it does indeed look very much like a crescent. I used to want one of those frames so bad, they were one of the most desirable out there for a while a long time ago! enjoy it, you look like you're coming along just nicely! J
  17. im pissed of that i had to go on business.. meant that i didnt have enough time to watch as much as i wanted danny and ben are on top form though, no dabs through the whole day although the sections get harder each day... i hope any of you out there have a good time as a side note, thanks to adam at tartybikes for talking to me, it was great to feel part of the trials scene again for those 10-15 minutes. cheers. J edit: do NOT write on the forum when you're wankered, you end up sounding like a prat... but i left it unedited anyway lol.
  18. im going tomorrow on business, and i think it should be pretty cool. is anyone on here actually riding the trials arena? J
  19. alex mate, you never called me back! hangover? J
  20. please cease being a complete and utter cock. J
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