is it wrong now to say that I liked busted? having been on a couple of dates with hell is for heroes back in the days when they were signed and doing pretty well, I would - and I could obviously be wrong - not be a good enough musician to be able to tell. Then again, I could just be sticking up for a free choice of opinion on music because it's an emotional power where the brain should not be engaged. If it makes you smile, frown, laugh or cry at the times when you need to do any of those things then it is good music - to you. I would be happy to, and often do, find myself listening to 36 Crazyfists, Busted, The Fall of Troy, Metallica, Brand New and Jack Penate one after the other on random. I'm not doing a "holier than thou" speech on anyone, because my taste is somewhat eclectic and strange but these are just the prototypical ramblings of a 21 year old teenager who holds music dear and doesn't feel anyone should think right and wrong in music as it closes avenues that would otherwise be open and emotional.