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Everything posted by JD™

  1. i think it would look really good to be honest. so one vote for.
  2. 86 is ridiculous in my opinion, but not as bad on Vista as it would be on XP. Definately google all the process names and kill the ones you dont need. I aim for like 20 on my XP machine, but you should probably aim for about 35-40 i would imagine...
  3. JD™

    Need Some Help

    i love the way you make it sound like you dont deserve the criticism... why not just take it like a man and ignore it till it goes away? Including those sentences from me. Piracy is illegal and frowned upon by the admins, so a word of advice would be to edit it out the fact that you're asking for it in the way of a crack. Buy the program or find a free one. Perhaps google "free video editor".
  4. JD™

    The Music Thread.

    is it wrong now to say that I liked busted? having been on a couple of dates with hell is for heroes back in the days when they were signed and doing pretty well, I would - and I could obviously be wrong - not be a good enough musician to be able to tell. Then again, I could just be sticking up for a free choice of opinion on music because it's an emotional power where the brain should not be engaged. If it makes you smile, frown, laugh or cry at the times when you need to do any of those things then it is good music - to you. I would be happy to, and often do, find myself listening to 36 Crazyfists, Busted, The Fall of Troy, Metallica, Brand New and Jack Penate one after the other on random. I'm not doing a "holier than thou" speech on anyone, because my taste is somewhat eclectic and strange but these are just the prototypical ramblings of a 21 year old teenager who holds music dear and doesn't feel anyone should think right and wrong in music as it closes avenues that would otherwise be open and emotional.
  5. JD™

    The Music Thread.

    i'm valuing it all, and i think you're a sound guy from what i've seen since i've been back on here. but i still think that saying you're annoyed because there's so many "better" bands out there just sounds silly. I like clover, if you prefer flora that doesn't make it "better", it just makes it your opinion, which is respected.
  6. JD™

    The Music Thread.

    to tell someone else that they are wrong when it comes to music is like telling someone they are wrong to hold the beliefs they hold. Music is personal taste. I tend to agree with you on A7x, but I would never tell someone that they are wrong to think they are great... yes indeed. It means nothing now, near enough.
  7. slightly off topic, but do you know Kristian Donaldson at all? Guess it would depend which year you're in, he'll be year 2 I think... A very good friend of mine.
  8. JD™

    Stock Video

    i didnt think anyone on here would be that silly, but there's always room to be surprised so i linked just in case! about the youtube videos, there was a post on here a few weeks ago about how to view a youtube video in high quality... possibly worth a search.
  9. JD™

    Stock Video

    either i've got this completely wrong... or: here
  10. JD™

    Whoooooo Are You?!

    was jaYDee, now pockeRocketFTW because pocket rocket is my band and it doesnt censor for the win in usernames
  11. check the programs in your task bar at college (right hand side of start menu if you didnt know and/or I've called it the wrong name!) and write down the names of them. Through a process of elimination we should be able to work out which one it is that does it. Cheers
  12. bio oil sorted out my face, if you noted my last avatar you'll find that quite a feat! if not, try to find some pure vitamin e cream and use that. vitamin e is what the body uses naturally in the healing process.
  13. that was kind of my point... it was a little bit of sarcasm that doesnt come through in writing!
  14. powerISO is the one I use, and remember to burn at the lowest possible speed to make the disc the most reliable.
  15. sounds to me like its for show use and that. easy removal for the win.
  16. JD™

    The Music Thread.

    i can sort of see what you're saying with the mars volta, but i thought the brilliance of those albums was the real sense of story and direction that you felt from beginning to end. No matter that one of them was the story of a mythical character and their travel through space and time - a story is a story and I will always love albums which do this as a concept. The track names were actually a decision made by the band, no matter what the rumours say, except they view these track names as chapters in the same story and not as seperate entities. I think In Rainbows flows in a similar way, the changes between songs are not as pronounced as they have been in other albums Radiohead have done and this allows the album as a whole to have a "feel" rather than leaving that to individual songs. I think this is an art that can't be taught...
  17. *snigger snigger* never gets old...
  18. JD™

    The Music Thread.

    to the ones who like "in rainbows", did you like Kid A and Amneasiac? Personally I've loved all the albums, except possibly hail to the theif which i liked, but didnt get me going as much as the rest. But Kid A and Amneasiac too a little longer to get into before becoming all time classics in my mind. PR wrote the beginnings of a song which is likely to mess with your head last night. Muchly enjoying that!
  19. JD™

    The Music Thread.

    how did i know you'd like that album? it's somewhere between so many different genres - f'in incredible... *puts on weird fishes*
  20. i had similar symptoms with my first car - a 1.1 fiesta. It turned out to be a fuel/air problem, but i had it sorted at a garage so i can't really help much...
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