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Everything posted by JD™

  1. that is absolutely classic, and yes it is indeed a good movie! it's probably not a winning entry but you've gotta be in it to win it right?
  2. yea i know what you mean, but there are plenty of other good designers on here who could come up with something. No offence meant to any of you!
  3. the strings are each represented by a line. the high e (thinnest) at the top and the the low e (thickest) at the bottom. The numbers refer to the fret to play on that string, with 0 being open. e.g. ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----0----------- means play the low e open. The strings can denote non standard tuning by stating the tuning of that string to the left of the tab line. e.g. d ----------------- a ----------------- g ----------------- d --------5---5--- a ----3------------ d ----------------- means play the 3rd fret of the a string, then the 5th fret of the middle d string twice. hope this helps to start.
  4. i just print screened it and copied it from the font website that someone linked to earlier. being a paint effort i didnt think it was worth changing it! whats with all the licking of Jons arse? He's damn good, but I'm sure he'd prefer there to be some competition... Not that I'm going to provide it of course...
  5. advertising? there's more brand awareness of magners over here because of the extra marketing put into it, and that money has to be recouped somehow. After reading the wiki I am never buying magners again though. I thought I could taste a difference but it must have been some sort of placebo effect...
  6. JD™

    Forum Problem!

    searchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearc hsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearchse archsearch</ warning offence> edit: or use random small questions of course...
  7. happened to me twice... yep, serves me right the second time for believing it right? But no, women know it's the one and only surefire way to get the attention of the ex. Then the feigned misscarriage occurs as soon as she thinks you're close enough to give it another go after all the emotional toil... obviously not in all cases, she could well be needing you more than ever now to help through a difficult time.... just watch out for used tampons giveaway sign... (sorry, bad taste)
  8. yea, no need to worry until she's got the test done mate. get it done!
  9. chill dave, hard time but chill. rather than the antagonistic comments flowing from some other avenues in this thread at the moment, here's some food for thought: - has she taken a test? (obvious but might as well check) - can you be sure it was you? (difficult one, but worth a check) - why wont she let you see her? - would she keep it? - could this be (and I know this is harsh) a way of getting your attention back? I know you were having trouble for a while and some girls are f**ked up...
  10. JD™

    Read In..

    i can totally see and agree with what you're saying. In much the same story as mr aylesbury and trials_pimp, I've been here a good 5 years or so, and stopped riding around 2006 ish. I didn't quit, I just stopped having the time and noone was riding near me. The trusty old echo still comes out sometimes when I've had enough of everything else in life and want to forget about it. I've often wondered whether I come on here too much for someone who doesn't ride anymore. I check every day, many times a day and the reason for that is I think it makes good reading and I'm still a supporter of the sport even if I'm no longer an active participant. I'll never "quit" TF, but if it fades from my consiousness then it wont be the end of the world either. I think thats the best way to go about it. I'm not noticed, but then again I never have been so I don't know exactly how you're feeling in that way. But why do we need to be noticed? State opinions where you have one and if someone takes that opinion/advice then thats great. Don't make a decision not to come here unless it's what you think is best.
  11. sorry mike, i've been having huge problems with my laptop the last few days so I couldnt listen live, but i'll download it tonight fo'sho'
  12. most of the good ones you'll have to pay for, or of course you could find the name of a shareware one with limited features and "find" the full copy somewhere.
  13. hot water will be fine, using anything else will make it cleaner than the stuff coming through your tap, and whats the point in that when you're going to be putting tap water in it?
  14. a journo did it in like 25 hours, and he wasnt even using taxis to begin with, so I reckon he's telling the truth. Why would he lie about something so trivial as a game? I still think it's a waste though..
  15. i was only mucking about with the recorded comments, because you kept saying it when i wasn't able to get into chat... sound quality wise it definately sounded treble heavy, which was distorting it on my speakers, for the first hour/hour and a half but i haven't listened to the recording so i dont know if thats worse or not. the only other thing was that your mic voume was all over the place - it was real quiet at the start, about right in the middle and then back to being well quiet... who listens to what Djs say anyway though eh? only kidding
  16. i carried on listening after i left the chat, just chilling out to it and it worked really well. the back to back stuff at the end was a nice change as well. you dont happen to have rapidshare uploads as well do you? I missed the first 10 minutes or so and would definately wanna hear that bit.. you confident you can drop just as many big tunes next week without losing any of the obvious epicness that was there?
  17. people do not wanna miss this next week. if you have trouble using the proper link, use the white tape picture on the right hand side of the page and you should be able to listen!
  18. "currently popping my renegade radio cherry..." love it
  19. sounding great mike, just wish i could log onto the java chat! keep it up, i'm gonna be a regular listener.
  20. Get hold of some nitro mors and follow the instructions
  21. THAT was a redeeming joke
  22. Quick update: The album is now available as a digital download from here and the first 50 are totally gratis so there's no harm in checking it out! Cheers, PR
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