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Everything posted by JD™

  1. it's in the user created areas
  2. wont load over here, poor form
  3. wahjey! so why's everyone in tonight? gotta say it's unusual for me to be reading this thread sometime other than 9am.. i'm here because the gf has gone to a mates birthday bash and i needed tosave myself for tomorrows antics
  4. the one night i'm alone enough to post on here and it seems noones on... novelty worn off "crew"?
  5. that's pretty much what she said... edit: sorry danny, had to be done! she's a stonker.
  6. JD™

    New Tattoos

    i've never wanted a tattoo... but now i do. something like that, but on my arm and maybe just "exposing" flesh and bone?
  7. JD™

    Mike Hayes

    THAT, unlike the rest of the laboured mentions () was f'in brilliant.
  8. hey, I can't say I've followed this whole thing, but I think I get the general gist. Ultimately it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot you can do at this time except give her space and hope that perhaps she see's sense. You should definately go to your interview though, it may just take your mind off it for a while. Chin up lad!
  9. JD™

    "mr Leon"

    *steps away quietly*
  10. maybe just IE for the small ones, but the same pics are large on other browsers. I can't see their PHP but i would presume it's a server side problem.
  11. i see it exactly the same, like 1 or 2 pixels tall and normal avatar width. I think a fair few people have it and it's been going on for a while. Could be worse, they could be huge like some other people are seeing... ADMIN TEAM --- DEPLOY! edit: might be helpful if people with certain symptoms post up their browser and os: IE 6 XP SP3
  12. JD™

    Mike Hayes

    edit: shushed, this is childish.
  13. JD™

    Mike Hayes

    edit: shushed, this is childish
  14. you tried running dxdiag and testing directplay? i only just did that and my firewall was blocking it... might be the same for you although i still can't find any sessions i've started one called tf anyway
  15. all i've got is a gta screen saying gather and 0 joiners you're not using a seperate program to search for games or something are you?
  16. i'll leave it for 10 minutes, "TF" will be the server
  17. proper gash, i was looking forward to that!
  18. i dont get it, i go into gta, do something about multiplayer - tcp/ip connection - leave it blank, wont find a game... type in GTA tfand it wont find it... ARGH!
  19. just out of interest, has anyone found any other random games going on? because i haven't and just wanted to make sure it works... if someone wants to try it out, msn me on jdilworth@1stfinance.co.uk to give it a go
  20. I'm sure you mentioned in another thread that this wasn't going on for a while, any news? Finally got my laptop firing on all cylinders, so was going to tune in tomorrow night if you're on?
  21. GTA1 yea? I think i may well join in...
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