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Scotty Evil1

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Everything posted by Scotty Evil1

  1. yeah he rode senior at the worlds in 2003( which he won by miles). The reson he's in elite and master is because A) he quilified through senior and expert if you qualify to elite you automatically get quilified for master. ( I THINK) Hope this helps
  2. hello I just thought I'd post some pictures of my Monty 221 ti 06 double disk. I've just got a brand new set of the Abant ultra light wheels. ( same as what cesar canas and dani comas use) http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....40entry821299 ^^^ Theres the link ot the bike pics thread ( near the bottom) Hope you like the look of them Scott
  3. Hi I just thought I'd post some pictures of my Monty 221 ti 06 double disk, with a brand new set of the Abant ultra light wheels. ( same as what cesar canas and dani comas use) Hope you like them
  4. Hi I used to run martas, and found no problems with them, they are really good, i used them at the world championships. The only real reason i switched to hopes was because i find the levers are slightly better, and hopes are easier to repair. If you can get hopes get them, but if not, it doesnt really matter to much Scott
  5. Water Tasts like the sea................. just less salty only way i can explan it
  6. I have a few sets hehe I find the best are sixsixone shin pads And also the monty ones are really good, as you can adjust how thick u want the paddding ( 2 layers of plastic, 1, none just the fabric), and the are very compfy 661 or monty :P :P
  7. HEY www.biketrialuk.co.uk www.ebtc.net There u go
  8. HEY Most trials vids are only on dvd/video. There are quit a lot of vids on here http://www.trialscentral.com/ mainly after major competitions, and also there are quit a few pictures , some vids, and news on here http://www.trials.co.uk/. Hope this helps. Also halfords always have a few random trials videos around. Scott
  9. BOTH!!! wax on first then gel Works well Cant go wrong mr butlerrrrr. :P :P
  10. Hey man Dont worry what other people say, if its the way you want it, why should you give a damn lol. I personallly think its a nice site, and i like the intro page/ picture Dont worry :)(Y):- scott w
  11. Sorry mate but you can. :S Monty, everyone( 99.9%) who rides one says there best. And winning every world elite championship (apart from 1 ) since trials started, proves they are the best lol MONTY :blink:
  12. cheers Yeah, i got sponsored by doing competitions( best way), gettting good results, being seen, ......writing to some companys, telling them what results you've had / what you can do for them etc. :P(Y) scott
  13. I havent done that much really Ive been riding( comps) for 9 years- im 15 my list is: Spokes= a few Chain= 2-3 snapped a bottom bracket= 1 ( may have been faulty batch) Been riding MONTYS for over half my riding life ( just shows you something (Y) ) Scott
  14. HEY I have ( had one, getting a new one soon) a 221 ti o6 double disk, they are really great bikes. I have had mine since a day before the world championships and i have had no problems with it at all. Just because they are competition bikes does not make them weak. Far from it :lol:(Y) GET ONE MATE :lol: SCOTT W :lol:
  15. Not really I know thats why a lot of people are put off, but the only time you will hit it ( 99.9% of the time) is when you get wedged in a small space or do a little move into a small log, wall etc. Very rare that you hit them. And most of the time you can just bend them back into shape lol :D(Y) Scott
  16. Hey At the comp my rear disk was not working aswell as it does in the dry, but even with all the mud and grime it still worked a lot better than a rim brake would of. It maintained (most) of its bite, and the performance of it did not vary during the day. I was able to hop to the edges of things and it did not slip. I really like having a rear disk and find it really helps, especially in the wet!! I am running hope trials front and rear, on the front i have a 160 rotor and on the rear i use a 180 rotor. <_<(Y) Scott w (N)
  17. HAHA Thats pretty cool Dont have a clue bout geometry, the right lenghs of things etc But, could provid a bit of fun for a while lol Pretty adictive i find. Im like, well if i just make that a tad longor... or.... hmm what happens when i do this, blaaa blaa baa lol fun
  18. Hey Its good your geting back into it (Y) I've beeen riding for 9 years, nearly 10 ( comps that is!!) Sound like an old man haha Been riding since i was 3-4 lol ( 15 now) Have u got msn?? Could sort a ride out sometime
  19. Hey man I live in lydd, which isnt that far away from maidstone. Would you want to meet up for a ride one day?? maybe go to folkstone or somewhere from a street ride?? Or go some where and ride some proper stuff, natural!! :D :D What bike have you got?? How long did you ride for before you stoped?? and how long you been back into it?? Hope to hear from you soon Laterzz man(Y):( Scott w
  20. U copy cat james i was going to say that!! :- But yeah, canas, smoothest rider ever, real nice guy ( 10x world champ as well, and rides for monty!!) :P And kenny belaey, real smooth and can ride 20" and 26" to a world championship winning level B)
  21. Come on anyone else interested??????? should be a good laugh
  23. Yeah ill be going. Riding t' 26 Ive got susanne from sweden staying with me so she be coming aswell. Should be a good comp. See y'all there (Y)(Y)
  24. Naaaaa cant get down there. You come down here!!!!! ANYONE ELSE??????
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