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Scotty Evil1

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Everything posted by Scotty Evil1

  1. Charlie is 14 years old. Just as controlled when he rode my 26" on the 2nd day.......... which is irritating! Awesome comp, I definitely dont fit on a 20" anymore haha
  2. Well, you couldn't have gotten any worse....
  3. Howdy Last month I went to the Czech Republic to ride in the final round of the Czech biketrial championship, held as part of 'Sportlife' In Brno ( A really big sports trade show/exhibition with 6 halls of stands and bmx jams, slopestyle competition,climbing events etc) It was a really cool fun competition, all held indoors on man made sections. Thought a few people might like to see how the comp was,so decided to quickly stick together the clips that I had last night. Just a rough edit with no Music. Thanks to Lukas for having me over
  4. Aonso is reputed to have signed a deal worth $40m (£25.5m) a year, which would make him the best-paid driver on the grid. Still dont get the alonso hype. Was hoping they were going to announce button and magnussen and that this was all a sneaky plan to leave fernando without a drive, revenge for 07. Would like to see kevin get a reserve/test role and him to get a seat 2016, but not sure what will happen as they also have vandoorne ready to move up soon
  5. At the start of the month I went over to Denmark to take part in the final round of the Danish championship and also do some riding and hang out with Jonas Kristiansen. Probably not that appealing to a lot of you as its mostly road trip and mess about footage involving 'In' jokes and music choices that only 3 of us will get, but thought I'd stick it up here incase anyone wanted to watch it.(There is some riding too and a very nice crash!) Was a really fun trip and a fun video to make (sorry for some poor quality footage,I took a Chinese plug adapter with me so couldn't use my camera after an hour and could only use my gopro which I haven't set up well or used a lot)
  6. Yes, I live in lydd! First time I've heard anyone ever mention it haha
  7. Haven't posted any pics or videos on here in a while, not made any to be honest, so just thought I'd post this little one up while I've got it. Not really a "look at this riding" video, more of a "I actually took my camera out with me for the first time all year so I'm determined to actually use the clips" Video! No big stuff,mostly techy bits. Filmed over the last 2 days at Wellington rocks (Natural) and Samphire hoe (Street). Sorry for the dodgy edit, was a rush job last night!
  8. Lukas (You may know him from such events as dressler camp) made this video of the European Biketrial championship, held in Czech 2 weekends ago, so thought I'd post it up for him. Was a really fun weekend. Its set to 360, so I recommend changing it when you watch
  9. Im not sad that " no ones jumping to congratulate me" You could tell me how crap I did in fact if you wanted, it doesn't matter to me. I was mainly referring to the lack of knowledge/support that our younger riders receive and our podium finishers, who all done really well. I know this, but it shouldn't be down to the riders themselves to post it up IMO. I would of thought that there would have been some previous interest in how team GB has done at the world bike trial championship, as there is in other countries. I am happy to post up results as I am proud of what we achieved, although it doesn't seem like theres much point haha Anyway..................Bravo all!
  10. A bit sad to see nothing about this on here already, especially considering how well we did, but thought I would post up Team GB's results and say well done to everyone! There were 3 rounds. Round 1 In Beau, Spain - Round 2 In Odena, Catalonia - Round 3 In Tanvald, Czech republic. Pictures and reports are up on Biketrialinternational.com and Tribalzine.com TEAM GB Round 1- 4th Round 2 - 3rd Round 3 - 5th Overall - 3rd ( First time that GB have been on the podium!) Poussin class 7-9 years old Josh McParland: Round 1-DNE Round 2 - 2nd Round 3 -3rd Overall - 4th Benamin Class 10-12 Years old Adam Morewood: Round 1 - 2nd Round 2 - 1st Round 3 - 1st Overall - WORLD CHAMPION Sam Shepherd: Round 1- 5th Round 2 - 6th Round 3 - 7th Overall - 6th Minime Class 13-15 years old Charlie Rolls: Round 1 - 8th Round 2 - 5th Round 3 - 8th Overall - 7th Sam Rolls: Round 1 - 9th Round 2 - 6th Round 3 - 9th Overall - 8th Girls No GB Riders entered Elite Femina No GB riders Entered Junior class 16-18 years old Aaron Duke: Round 1 - 8th Round 2 - 11th Round 3 - DNE Overall - 11th Senior Class - 19 years old + No GB riders entered Elite Class ( Specially selected/seeded riders) Ben Savage: Round 1 - 3rd Round 2 - 5th Round 3 - 3rd Overall - 3rd Scott Wilson: Round 1 - 10th Round 2 - 11th Round 3 - 8th Overall - 9th Sam Oliver: Round 1 - 12th Round 2 - Retired Round 3 - DNE Overall - 12th
  11. Hes one of those annoying people that can pick up anything and do it well. Currently riding motorcycle trials and doing pretty well at it. Also busy running Factory pink Clothing (factorypink.com)
  12. We all know, i make this video - support giver,cameraman, viking catcher....... As usual the video does not show just how big those lines are, especially on the rocks, was incredable riding. Video did not seem 9 min long, edited perfect and flowed so well Awesome norsk!
  13. I've been using the same set up for pretty much 2 years now. Currently using a trp lever http://www.starbike.com/images/TRP/2007/hires/ML930.jpg Have used the carbon lever which is good, bit shorter and after I bent it ( I bend all my levers) went back to the standard lever and actually prefer it. Avid ultimate sd7 body and Tnn pads
  14. I liked it. Some massive moves in there, a lot of stuff I wasn't expecting. Although, once again there does seem to be waaaaay too many footjam whips! Some people may not like the 'sell out' side of it, which I understand, but then again, if they wanted to have fun by making a bit of a show/comp out of it, I don't see the problem, each to their own. I do have a feeling though, If it had been made/uploaded by someone other than freestyl"air and featured other riders doing the same stuff, It would have gotten a different reaction, a lot of jumping on the bandwagon In these threads...... JohnLanglois - Your pretty mental! Was good to see Rodrigue in there too Does seem a very french thing to do
  15. I'm gooooooing, woooo. Will be my 3rd time, such a great event and a great week!
  16. Whoa Love to make it again this year, but have a feeling I'll have to work.... FBM
  17. Well he came 3rd overall at the BIU worlds last year, only beaten by Comas and Vasha. And they were the only 2 comps he rode over 2012/2013
  18. Had my new Framekit built up for just over a week now, so thought I would stick up some pics. New bits are - Frame: Inpulse Blast ( 1080/380/+60/72HA) with Inpulse BB and Headset Forks: Inpulse Blast Stem: Trialtech 150. Came with an Inpulse 135, trying both out atm. Pedals: Inpulse Steel Axle caged The rest of the parts have been swapped over from last bike, If anyone is that interested in the spec, I can stick that up later..... Took a couple of rides to get used to it, geos a bit different from my last few bikes, but got it tweaked and set up nice now, just fine tuning from now on The frames/Framekits are available to order via 54sport.co.uk
  19. http://www.gillescoustellier.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=254:la-fin-de-koxx&catid=1:les-news-de-gilles-coustellier&Itemid=70
  20. Just seen this interview with Dom Hermance http://www.trialinside.com/dom-hermance-entre-passe-present-et-futur/?fb_source=pubv1
  21. Fir tree road is the best place for parking if you go to wellington rocks, just opposite the rocks really. At the moment i'm preferring wellington to toad, also a bit better there if its been a raining, dries up quicker and the rocks are fine and grippy to ride in the wet. For toad rocks, head for the toad rock retreat pub, 1 Upper St, Royal Tunbridge Wells TN4 8NX and just find a space somewhere on the road!
  22. Gola renew mesh ( or recover's, think that's the old version) Love mine for riding really grippy and light. Come in man sizes and look fairly normal ( do a lot of colours)
  23. So Ferrari pay Kimi to leave in 2009 and he goes back to them, Silly Kimi! Hopefully there'll be no No.1 driver there next year and they are just left to battle it out I think Massa to Force India and the Hulk to Lotus
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