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Scotty Evil1

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Everything posted by Scotty Evil1

  1. Biketrial Camp 2018 Join us for a BikeTrials training camp for under 16’s, from the 20th to 25th of August 2018, based at some of the UK’s best riding venues - Bracken rocks, Dudwood Farm and the newly opened Derbyshire Biketrial Centre! Coaching will be with 7x British Champion and former World Champion Scott Wilson, Current Minime World Champion, Adam Morewood & Multiple Spanish and European Elite Biketrial champion Raul Gutierrez, who has been a World Elite rider for over 15 years! Joining us will be members of the Raul Gutierrez Bike Academy from Reinosa in Spain, so in addition to riding with your mates, you will be able to train, camp and make friends with overseas riders! The camp is £390 and Includes - 15 training sessions over 5 days Camping and equipment Food and transport Goodie bag and spot prizes from camp supporters and sponsors; Jitsie, SueMe, Odlo and Bloc eyewear Trip to Alton Towers! Coaching will cover all aspects of biketrials riding, including technical skills, power moves, picking lines, bike set up, preparing for competitions, improving your competition riding and Strength and Conditioning sessions from 7x British record holder and specialist personal trainer, Yolanda Speare. For more information and to book your place, email: scott.wilson35@btinternet.com
  2. Biketrial Camp 2018 Join us for a BikeTrials training camp for under 16’s, from the 20th to 25th of August 2018, based at some of the UK’s best riding venues - Bracken rocks, Dudwood Farm and the newly opened Derbyshire Biketrial Centre! Coaching will be with 7x British Champion and former World Champion Scott Wilson, Current Minime World Champion, Adam Morewood & Multiple Spanish and European Elite Biketrial champion Raul Gutierrez, who has been a World Elite rider for over 15 years! Joining us will be members of the Raul Gutierrez Bike Academy from Reinosa in Spain, so in addition to riding with your mates, you will be able to train, camp and make friends with overseas riders! The camp is £390 and Includes - 15 training sessions over 5 days Camping and equipment Food and transport Goodie bag and spot prizes from camp supporters and sponsors; Jitsie, SueMe, Odlo and Bloc eyewear Trip to Alton Towers! Coaching will cover all aspects of biketrials riding, including technical skills, power moves, picking lines, bike set up, preparing for competitions, improving your competition riding and Strength and Conditioning sessions from 7x British record holder and specialist personal trainer, Yolanda Speare. For more information and to book your place, email: scott.wilson35@btinternet.com
  3. Training/coaching day at Radical bikes! Open to riders of all ages and abilities, whether you're just starting out and need help with the basics or are an advanced rider who needs help refining techniques or preparing for competitions ( and anything in between!) Coaching will be done by Scott Wilson a former world champion,7 times British champion and member of team GB. The price is £30 for the days training, this includes entry to radical bikes for the full day and the chance to win a ticket for Radfest 2018! To book your spot email coach@scott-wilson.co.uk
  4. A few of us are heading to Wellington rocks tomorrow if anyone else is up for it
  5. Dymchurch has some cool rocks, a bit too sketchy to ride them on your own though.... massive gaps + the sea lol Folkestone has some good street. A few little bits at st marys bay and camber
  6. There's Wellington rocks and toad rocks which are both good. Been riding them for 10 years, never been moaned at at toad rocks, nice locals there and had 2 people have a little rant at Wellington but thats it!
  7. Im in Lydd. Happy to ride anywhere really. I ride Tunbridge Wells a fair bit
  8. How long have you been in dymchurch!? Get a bike and ride!
  9. Im over in lydd, not far from hastings so give me a shout!
  10. Im not too far from hastings! Im over at lydd. Be great to have some people to ride with!
  11. Have a chat to lukas at trialsection.cz May not list them on the site but i know he's got some, the last ones in czech direct from magura.
  12. I like the way they are saying its to help him "get his confidence back". Yeah because theres nothing like getting demoted and basically told you're on your last chance to boost you're confidence! Especially when you've just got a podium!
  13. I think Red Bull were just looking for an excuse to put Max Into the Red Bull team as they dont want to loose him To Ferrari when his contracts up. Putting him up early and showing faith in him may just get him to re sign after 2017. They cant get rid of Kyvet as they are running out of drivers! They used to have loads of drivers in the Red Bull Academy but they had a big clear out last year and also had drivers leave so the ladder to f1 is a bit bare now, the drivers that they have got are nowhere near ready for a F1 driver yet. Still all a bit weird!
  14. Scotty Evil1

    Ali C Vlog

    Good work Ali, really liked those Well done for giving it a go too, first try must have been a bit scary but you seem confident and come across great in them. I've wanted to do something like this for a few years now, more comp/roadtrip and Demo's based, but never had the confidence to do it and keep making exuses to not do one! I made 1 a few years ago, but ended up editing it too much so it was more like a long riding vid and I also done it at the last comp of the year, so had nothing to follow it up wth for about 5 months haha. Looking forward to more! (Are you going to Dressler camp this year?)
  15. Radical Bikes Saturday 28th May 10.00am - 14.00pm - £25 Included in this price - Group coaching with 6 times British champion,former world champion and Current World Biketrial Elite No.4 Scott Wilson. One to one coaching during the day. Entry to Radical Bikes for the whole day, even after the coaching session has finished! 15% Off any products purchased at the Radical bikes store on the day. Goodie bags, products and discount codes available from Bio-Synergy, Green Oil and Bloc Eye wear! This session is open to all riders of any age and ability,whether you are a complete beginner to trials or an expert rider wanting to refine technique. Visit www.scott-wilson.co.uk/coaching for more info and how to book. Please pass this along to anyone you know who may be interested and could benefit from this Look forward to seeing a few of your there!
  16. Radical Bikes Saturday 28th May 10.00am - 14.00pm - £25 Included in this price - Group coaching with 6 times British champion,former world champion and Current World Biketrial Elite No.4 Scott Wilson. One to one coaching during the day. Entry to Radical Bikes for the whole day, even after the coaching session has finished! 15% Off any products purchased at the Radical bikes store on the day. Goodie bags, products and discount codes available from Bio-Synergy, Green Oil and Bloc Eye wear! This session is open to all riders of any age and ability,whether you are a complete beginner to trials or an expert rider wanting to refine technique. Visit www.scott-wilson.co.uk/coaching for more info and how to book. Please pass this along to anyone you know who may be interested and could benefit from this Look forward to seeing a few of your there!
  17. Or pretty much what mark has just said in half the space haha
  18. Comparing Gilles and Vince to Jeff is a pretty poor example. Vincent and Giles live in the country where trials is arguably the most popular ( maybe 2nd to spain) they receive funding from sponsors (Vince also "works" for his fathers company Hashtagg) They also receive funding from their local governments and well as having international trips funded by French cycling. As trials is more recognised and popular in their country they are also able to do more high profile shows which pay more (Vince does a lot of the french motorcycle indoor trials) There is also the location. They are able to drive to pretty much every event which cuts costs. They also get prize money from competitions ( being able to compete more = more prize money) As they are professional riders, they can train more, increase their level which means they remain at the top of the sport, which in turn helps them continue receiving all of the above mentioned support. Now, Jeff lives in a country where trials in Tiny, they live next door to another country where trials is also tiny. This means less competitions and exposure meaning that he is less likely to receive any regional or national support and big name sponsors. If Jeff was to compete in the same events as the european riders, that would involve a minimum of 6 return flights from Canada to Europe ( thats just for world champs and world cups, not including any regional, national, European or any other international events that happen) 6 return flights is damn expensive no matter who you are. on top of that there is the cost of the bike on the flight too, hotels, car rental, fuel, general food etc. Jeff has to work full time, which means he has a lot less time to train, meaning his level of riding isn't as high as vince etc which means he may "only" get top 10 or top 15 in world cups now, which doesn't get any prize money and doesn't really attract big company interest back in canada. Jeff isnt asking you to pay for him to ride all year and do nothing else. Hes just asking for a little help form this small community so he can have the same basic chances and opportunity to compete in his favourite sport that the rest do. When there were comps over in Aus/NZ/ SA. It was mainly the very top pro riders that went and Junior riders who were still able to get family to pay ( And actually, a few of the euro/french riders did set up some kind of crowdfunding) *Not everything applies for both riders, but they each get pretty much all those things between them If you want to donate, go for it. If you dont, then dont. Simple
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