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Everything posted by walker

  1. walker


    agree, would be nicer with black rims, and the chain looks a little on the long side! But i think u know what your doing ben! Andrew
  2. walker


    I think you should put some pics up of her..... ....the Leeson that is.
  3. I used to have a large can of FinishLine disk rotor cleaner, its just brake cleaner i think, it works a treat and seems to give you a head rush in the process !! In fact, it also seems to be the only solvent that cleans a brush covered in hammerite paint, much better than paint stripper!! Andrew
  4. On its way back to me i hope, i'll post some pictures up when i get it built up Andrew
  5. want a stiff frame? make it out of steel like my leeson mod. steel is real. Andrew
  6. walker

    Tra & Ohler Vid

    Ah Ha! found it, just here's the link if anyone else fancies watching it, its worth the download, quality is good as well. TRA and Ohler in Austria Andrew
  7. walker

    Tra & Ohler Vid

    Like the title says, does anyone know where i can download that long TRA/Ohler vid from a while back, all i can remember is that it was awesome and i want to watch it again!! thanks, Andrew
  8. Dont really see why you posted it in two separate forums. Doesnt look like an onza, some of the other prototypes looked better, sort of looks like its been banged together in a weekend from some leftover bits in the workshop.
  9. I use Solid edge, particularly good for assemblys Andrew
  10. Those boosters look same old same old, anyone actually going to buy them? Andrew .....bike looks alright by the way.
  11. Ben, have got a pic of ur new Koxx to show us? I saw it at the last nation, looks pretty smart. I think you should show all.... Andrew
  12. yeah seriously, it looks slack! or is it a new generation of trials bike that uses te geometry of a chopper to gain its long wheelbase?? could be on to something there Andrew
  13. i seriously hope some random immature friend of urs typed that while u were away from the computer. edit it that mouth has no place here
  14. KNOBB bikes, like KOXX, but uglier
  15. Can someone please tell me the advantage of having CNC backings? Andrew
  16. Haaaahaaaaaaaa!! LMAO!! how the hell did he manage that, just made my day hehee! Andrew
  17. haha, u having a laugh mate, take a decent pic, preferrably with a much different coloured background to the frame!
  18. There's myself and a group of riders in loughborough, we might be able to help but i cant promise anything. Andrew
  19. walker

    Monty Cranks

    haha, yer i do engineering, i might take it with me to formula student on wednesday, but they might give me some mathematical formula for getting it off. They're all weak and scared of damaging things. you'd think many of them had never handled a spanner before! Andrew
  20. walker

    Monty Cranks

    oh, just realised, if im to do it, how the hell am i going to get my ENO off at uni, ive got the tool, just not a vice!! oh bugger Andrew
  21. Firstly, i'd just like to say well done for what you did George, and i really hope it doesn't haunt you. Your story really brought back memories of mine from about 2 years ago now. 5 friends of mine (3 of them particularly close) were all in a car after a night out on their way home, it was approximately 4 in the morning. Their car rolled multiple times on a small country road, less than half a mile from the farm road end where they were going (one of the lad's house, which incidently is on the same farm road as mine). The driver, whom i wont name, had been drinking heavily. The car was totally smashed up. After over a month in a coma, multiple operations, and his heart being restarted i was able to go and see him in hospital. When i went in it was clear to see how close he had been to dying. after being in the coma he had lost a lot of weight and had suffered from infections. He had scars all over his face and right arm. He had crush two vertibrates in his spine. but, despite all of this, he was still the same old happy friendly mate i knew before. It took him months to learn to walk again, which he still struggles with a bit, but he will always be greatful that he didn't end up like some of the other patients that were on his spinal ward. I guess God forgave him for what he did. I am sure he is also extremely grateful that he didn't have to bear the concequences of having killed someone else. All of the others in the car escaped with only bruises. Its not worth thinking about what he would have had to deal with if anything had happened to any of them. I'm sure Georges message is clear enough to everyone, but i'd just like to reitterate that the risk is just not worth taking, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. All of my friends realise how lucky they were, one of them especially, and he has learned the lesson, but we should not need to learn the lesson, it should be already drilled in. I also wish safe journeys on you, and next time you get in a car, you should realise the responsiblilty of being behind the wheel, not just for you and your passengers, but for all those families and friends of you and other motorists. Thanks, Andrew
  22. Yer thats a good point, get yourself to the final Tyketrial round of the year in December Andrew
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