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Everything posted by walker

  1. If he was on a straight wall, i.e no corner, then he would never have made it, also on and straight off doesnt count Andrew
  2. Cool pictures Jimmy, but higher res versions would be so much better.... Andrew
  3. I just aquired it...... add me to msn and i'll send it to you Andrew
  4. Looks good! whats the wheelbase on that thing? Andrew
  5. i would say heating is the best option. Take the lockring all the way out and heat it up with a blow torch, some WD-40 will help, but dont set the can on fire! Then when its very hot, either nip the lockring up in the vice and use a pedal spanner, or use stilsons. Make sure your turning it the right way! (not trying to insult your intelligance, but a left hand pedal comes off clockwise). hope this helps Andrew
  6. walker

    Hope Mono Trial

    buy the seal, you get it next day, fit it, then bleed the brake. Disks are so easy to bleed! Andrew
  7. just undo the hose at the olive end (end with shroud nut), pull the hose out, cut it to right length with a sharp knife on a bench, wack a new olive on and put it back together, hopefully without loosing any oil or getting air in the system. Hope this helps Andrew
  8. Haha, i used to have on of them, first of four frames/bikes, it was bombproof Andrew
  9. Tis a shame, didnt a lot of those frames break? Andrew
  10. Well done lads! Seems the 26" boys out classed the 20"ers, they were the same sections right? Andrew
  11. to be fair it wasn't that bad, i you would have thought he could deal with that, must just have been a lapse in concentration
  12. Good video, Vince and Benito didnt seem to be doing so well, Gilles and Kenny seemed to be on form, apart from when kenny got up the hard bit that vincent fell off on, then mucked up the last small gap, lol Andrew
  13. walker

    Ben Girdwood

    Haha, nice vid, doesn't seem like you have much concern for your own safety with those drops. I probably wouldnt do it in the first place, but if i did, i certainly wouldnt do it a second time after that first effort!! Bike seems nice, shame all these frames are black, it seems you run ur rear tyre very soft, that rims not gonna last! hehe. Anyway, nice vid, no death metal music which is good and no sidehops to speak of, i dont think....? Andrew
  14. these are better Bike Mania Bike Mania 2 Bike Mania on Ice ...but on all these games it seems they have created a 2 wheel drive trials bike! Andrew
  15. pictures aren't working for me for some reason....
  16. its happened to me before with my old brake, i tried most of these tricks, but it never got them as good as they were, so i ended up buying new pads. if you thry the other things then bear in mind that you will probably have to wait a while for the pads to bed back in, so give it time. Andrew
  17. i dont believe tomturd has posted a pic, i think we should all know what he looks like....? Andrew
  18. I dont need any, i was just curious, my 28" onza carbon bars are wide enough for my mod, if i go back to stock again, it might come up, i like the geometry of the monty bars and try-all rage bars. I could easily make some ally ones myself, got acces to a couple of lathes. thanks anyway Andrew
  19. i take it those bars are extended? they look good, if so how did u do it? wood or ally turned on a lathe? glued in? Iolo was telling me about his bodged ones at that last shipley comp, but i'd probably be too scared to ride with them unless i knew they were safe... Andrew
  20. Thats true, but its just good to see the talent that the average trials rider gets...
  21. Was the mk2 global the one with the curved seatstays? what was the idea behind them? Andrew
  22. Some awesome pics there!! what frame is that red one? Also, full marks for keeping it on in the wet!! i really like the second pic from the bottom! keep it up Andrew
  23. this is a discussion forum, i made gave my opinion, u make yours, thats how it works, not need to get personal, and obviously if you say things like that, then u've got nothing better to say on the matter, so u really suck at discussions.
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