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Everything posted by walker

  1. WOW! really good vid, some really impressive natural riding, you just keep getting better (and taller!) Andrew
  2. Yep. No horizontal dropouts, so the rear wheel is always in the same place, making it really easy to take the wheel out and without having to set up the rear brake again, the tensioner is held in position by the wheel bolt between the hub and the frame, so no springs so it doesnt weigh that much Havnt weighed the frame but it feels reasonable, got a good build and its really good on the back wheel. It is long, measured it at about 1042, i forget what the bb rise is As far as i am aware its only the 4th he's made, and only the second with the single seat tube design. Andrew
  3. Remeber this? So finally it arrived after being stuck at the paint sprayer's for quite a while, but its been worth the wait! Bulit up: The down tube has been replaced with a non-butted tube, its looks brand new again and i'm really pleased with the colour, its a slightly darker colour than before, i think it goes really well with the white rims and stickers. Clive has done an excellent job, its impossible to tell that its had a tube replaced. The spec is: Leeson 505 frame Echo lite forks Monty rims on try-all hubs Monty tyres Hope Try-all 160 front disk Rear Magura with Monty splitter - Coust Pads Monty cranks ENO freewheel KMC kool chain, with 360 dropouts and little tensioner FSA Bottom bracket Wellgo magnesium pedals Monty Stem Onza 28" carbon riser bars Specialites TA headset - never seen one before now, Clive just sent it to me, but its lighter than a King headsat, and its sealed bearing. Still need to put my booster on, will be on tomorrow and ive got some hose guides to go on as well, so that electrical tape can come off. Anyway, im really happy with it and cant wait to give it a proper ride out and get some filming done! Feeling a bit out of practise! Hope you like Andrew
  4. Fair comment.. not something ive seen. Fair comment, i suppose the sport just isnt big enough to put money into these areas, which is a shame, because downhill rigs seem to have a lot of engineering and new designs/ideas are always coming out. again, comp riding just doesnt seem big enough. But i will laugh (if only for a second) if someone with these mods goes and breaks their face in a section when their head tube separates from the rest of their bike!
  5. At the end of the day, isn't it just a bogde? Surely Vince is in a position where he could have parts designed lighter. The rims for example, why arent they made like that, give them thicker sidewalls to compensate for all the metal you're taking out of the middle. Still keeping some radial strength. You don't see monty riders taking a black and decker to their bike, they spend money on R&D to make their bikes lighter, a much more professional way of moving foward with technology. Andrew
  6. Ive heard from a road biker that in the past, magnesium frames havnt really taken off because they age quickly, and when fatigue sets in they become more flexible, which for road biking is no good, it just makes the frame less energy efficient. so the same would be true for trials bikes. I ride a steel frame, so that is probably as rigid as your going to get. i think that feeling and rigidity are very important in trials riding. It will be interesting to see how these frames last, and i dont know if they will have been tested for long enough. But it seems that these days people are happy getting a new frame every 6 months or less, but will they even last that long??? Andrew
  7. walker

    Brum Ride 2nd Feb

    Nice ride, hehe, i would have laughed so hard if that lad fell into that canal! was pretty close like! It would have been freezing!! Andrew
  8. wear a helmet! nice pic though
  9. just looking through his other videos and saw this Oh my God!, i would definitely not be that guy lying on the ground!! No matter how good the rider is, that could have been crushed genitalia for life!! Andrew
  10. Hmmm... good point Pat Dani Comas, he's a Monty rider right? *cough* Monty Mafia *cough*
  11. Cool vid Joe, Barcelona stuff looks wicked! U've got a really cool, oldskool style going on, reminds me of the old ryan leech videos... Andrew
  12. Sweet pics chris, and Iolo, you're just getting good at too many things....! Andrew
  13. Cant you just put image tags around the URLs from that forum? Maybe your just a harsh rider? Why by rims from a company which makes components based around competitions if your a street rider, ive got Monty rims and they're going well! lets see the pics... Andrew
  14. Is the so-called "Monty Mafia" somewhere behind this. Well i suppose they have always been....
  15. Awesome pics Boats!!! Really looking forward to getting out riding with you lot, frustrating as it is at the moment! recognising more of the places now as well. The lad on the 24 Leeson doing the whip things is Tom Lockyer (Mod-xlite i think). Andrew
  16. 1st one and the last one are really cool. Good shots, keep it up! Andrew
  17. Just noticed you said down there, this intentional? Thats what i would say, being from up north. Are you from up north originally? just curious Andrew
  18. walker

    Team Trial

    will the team arena event be like a jam competition, where a rider has a minute or so to show off, Hop idol style....? Anyway, sounds awesome, cant wait! Andrew
  19. walker

    Team Trial

    I'll be there 100% sure! Really looking forward to it, and i know skipton auction mart quite well being a farmer....! Andrew
  20. +1, dont take it from the lad, it was bloody huge, but id rather see 9 pallets done properly, or just a vid of him nailing it properly (if he can). I cant see why he got so excited about it, i guess he thought he had made it.
  21. Thats actually a really nice bike! So simple, with some awesome parts on it. And those alien rotor.. ...ray gun just takes the p*ss!! haha, that made me laugh, spose it might dissipate that extra little bit of heat! Andrew
  22. Fair comment Gaz, but im only saying that in my opinion it doesnt count if your body is so low that you have to hop back off to aviod falling off. lol, i only wish i could sidehop that high!! I dont dislike street and i dont know what comments i have made that lead you to make that assumption. i just prefer the more flowing oldskool street style, but then i suppose the standard of the static side of street has got so good that you can't help but be amazed. In reply to the comment about my riding, im not sh*te at street, and i hope to get some filming done soon. But due to problems that have been out of my hands, i have not been able to ride properly since last october, but hopefully (said with fingers crossed), i shall be riding again soon and i hope to get to a lot of comps this year. Its just really frustrating at the moment with everyone around me getting better... Also, what do call a good comp rider? I dont believe my results have been that bad, and i wouldn't say i'm a pure comp rider. Hope this answers your question Anyway, im not trying to highjack the thread. Andrew
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