I totally agree with Ali, theres nothing wrong with modern technology, its the way forward. But why has everybody suddenly become weight freaks, especially when the majority of people on the froum are street riders, (i know there are quite a few comp riders, including myself, but probably more street). I just dont really understand, im not knocking the lad for what he's done, fair enough, thats the lightest bike you're going to get, but like Ali said, its got to ride well and be dependable. Im a bit dubious when it comes to all these uber lightweight components, yes i want a light bike, but i also need it to last a while. Maybe these companies believe they'll make more money if people will just buy the same component again when it breaks. At the end of the day its the safety of the rider thats most important, i hope the testing has been thorough seen as there are no safety standards. But anyway, time will tell and we shall see... Andrew