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Everything posted by walker

  1. Pads seem pretty good lads, I had a ride on Petrums BT with the reds on the rear, and they're working really well on a smooth rim! Andrew
  2. Really want to go out riding, just not on my tod, so is anyone around? Andrew
  3. I used to have white rim tape, lasted ages! Andrew
  4. I totally agree with Ali, theres nothing wrong with modern technology, its the way forward. But why has everybody suddenly become weight freaks, especially when the majority of people on the froum are street riders, (i know there are quite a few comp riders, including myself, but probably more street). I just dont really understand, im not knocking the lad for what he's done, fair enough, thats the lightest bike you're going to get, but like Ali said, its got to ride well and be dependable. Im a bit dubious when it comes to all these uber lightweight components, yes i want a light bike, but i also need it to last a while. Maybe these companies believe they'll make more money if people will just buy the same component again when it breaks. At the end of the day its the safety of the rider thats most important, i hope the testing has been thorough seen as there are no safety standards. But anyway, time will tell and we shall see... Andrew
  5. Sweet pics! That Dob is looking awesome and it seems to really suite you Adam!
  6. I may be able to come, and i would like to! Just depends whether or not i got to formula student or not.... hmm Should have my new helmet by then and i wouldn't mind getting some filming done as well. Andrew
  7. Mate, most farmers daughters are not well out of ur league! nuf said!
  8. Sorry i dont quite get what you mean, theres not plastic washers in this set. What are they? Ok done the test, if its bent, its only by a tiny tiny amount, so its not that. On closer inspection of the headset it would appear that the bottom bearing is not seating on the crown race correctly, as there is a score mark on the anodised crown race that the bearing has been turning on (obvously not correct!
  9. nice Kris! I'll have to have a ride on your bike next time we're out, to see for myself! Good Stuff Andrew
  10. here are some pics to help: Had another look at it, and its still puzzling me. In the first pic you can see the gap between the crown race and the bottom cup on the left hand side (bike is upside down). This is the same for the top cup, but to a much lesser extent. Andrew
  11. hmmm, ok, ill bear that in mind, but i think the crown race is sat correctly on the forks, i'll have another look tomorrow...
  12. Right ive just got a new headset and i'm having some troubles. Ive installed it correctly to the instructions and its not working properly. Basically, the crown race is not pulling up square to the bottom cup/bearing. It pulls up close at the front of the forks, but theres a 1mm gap at the back, so its not square. Its a Specialites TA sealed bearing headset. the crown race is like a split ring, i presume this slit is designed to close when you tighten it all up, but no matter how much i tighten the top cap, the corwn race wont pull up square. Any ideas on the problem? Im not a harsh rider, so i would be suprised if it's a bent steerer tube and ive checked and the headset cups are pushed in perfectly square. hmm? whats the problem? Andrew
  13. the nobbles look a bit too close together, and at that price i wouldnt expext much, they'll probably be a hard compound.
  14. so what, did u just let go of the handlebars....?
  15. hes not that small!!
  16. All of Clive's frames are £400, you can add up the rest yourself.... It works by simply using the wheel bolt to clamp the tensioner in the correct position. Yes, it might work, but clive has his own mech hangar system bolted to the chainstay, he simply bolts the tensioner to these on the 24"/26" bikes. Andrew
  17. Sorry, i really dont like the pedals, other than that it looks pretty good, i still wouldnt chose pink rims myself though!! Andrew
  18. Cool!, bike looks awesome, good build as well. It looks fairly light. What the wheelbase on it? Chain tension system looks really clean and simple Andrew
  19. I'll be on your team pat, (if you'll have your future housemate??)
  20. 725 Reynolds Steel, no gussets whatsoever
  21. Fair comment, i just dont like the look of them when they get scratched. They're not new either, so if it ain't broke.... Andrew
  22. Ali - is that helmet you wear the TSG Superlite or the normal 1?
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