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Everything posted by walker

  1. How much weight do you save by cutting out the second wall of your rear rim? And is it prone to buckling afterwards? Andrew
  2. got it now, feel like a right div! p=rho*g*h where h is 0.6, not 0.5, due to the fact that the level of water in the tank must go down 0.1m for the water to rise 0.5m in the overfill. So: p=1000*9.81*0.6 =5886Pa or =5.890kPa think i can do the second one now using the equation: lp=(Ic/Ac+lc) + lc Andrew
  3. yeah, i was thinking along those lines, but thats not the right answer, also, its asking for the pressure relative to the atomphere, not absolute pressure.
  4. this isnt a difficult question, hence its only worth 5 marks. This is a bit more trickey: All help is really appreciated! Andrew
  5. Need help with some fluids! p=rho*g*h
  6. Very nice Chai, but the bars look very low. Quite a bit lower thn your old V!Z bars
  7. 'tis what you want, not specifically from tartybikes though....
  8. hey, ive got a leeson mod frame for sale if your interested? its such a nice frame, one of a kind! http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=120588 thanks, Andrew
  9. Not the case next year! ...woop!
  10. doesn't it stop it returning properly though?? Edit, and elastic bands perish pretty quickly, so unless uve got a load in ur pocket... but then thats all extra weight! Oh, and have you had a hair cut yet, think of the weight loss!
  11. yeah, £18 for magnesium wellgos, even with £10 for worlwide shipping!
  12. Also noticed that you've cut every other outside knobble off on the rear tyre, but only half cut them off, you haven't cut them flush. Is there a reason for this? Andrew
  13. Awesome Stan!! so much attention to detail. Especially with the stickering! Meck hanger har to be cut, suprised it missed the first chop! I'd like to see some footage of that tyre being ridden!! Not running trialtech cranks?? Andrew EDIT: also are the reflector bracket things on the pedals really needed, could cut them out surely. Suppose DMR pedals have a support there for a reason.
  14. on a trials bike there are very few jobs that you can't do yourself. Just as lomg as you have a vice you can do most things. Its worthwhile getting a crank puller, chain tool and spoke key and bb tool. Then with the correct allen keys your pretty much sorted! And a pedal spanner. Andrew
  15. haha, are your bars far forward enough for you! Nice bike anyway, some top components! Are those Monty bars extended? Andrew
  16. Haha, made me laugh! I dont see a problem with them if they are looked after correctly. I used to have a hope headset, but after it seized up i couldnt justify spending that much on a headset!
  17. Vincent uses one, and i dont see a problem with them. They're simple, reliable, ie the bearings dont sieze up when wet. Cos its a trials bike, they;re not always in the muck like XC bikes and they're not exactly heavy. Yes they're made from steel, but they're much less bulky than a lot of others. So thats why i run one, that and the fact that they cost £8!! Andrew
  18. yeah, what he says, but what have you got to lose from signing it, other than 2 minutes of your life...
  19. Hmm, thats pretty darn expensive! They'll have to be something special to sell at that price!
  20. pretty sure its just a cane creek with try-all on it.
  21. theres a massive thread in the chit chat section about all of this.... and it depends on what you what you want to improve.... Andrew
  22. I take it you'll still come on T-F, you can't just dump us all surely....?
  23. Real shame to hear your going mate, but best wishes and good luck!! Hope to see you back on a bike at some point though, your riding was getting really good! Andrew
  24. that 270 pivot drop was awesome, got some balls to do it from that height mate! nice one!
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