So you expect the organisers to give time and effort not knowing whether peoplae are actually going to turn up or not. You can always enter if you think you can make it, then cancel if you can't, with a full refund. At least it allows the club to do the paperwork before the event. Is it really that difficult to fill out a form that is less than half an A4 page and send it off in the post? There is usually an online entry which makes it even easier, maybe that would have incouraged more people to enter, but it wasn't possible with it being a 2 day event with all the camping and food options. I can't believe how people wont support the few clubs there are in this country. They're run by volunteers, so ask yoursef, do you help out with the organisation? probably not, but if you did, wouldn't you want your job to be as easy as possible? without the nieve people who fail to realise that they're are lucky to have hard working people willing to put aside their time for your pleasure and enjoyment.