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About walker

  • Birthday April 25

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  • Real Name
    Andrew Walker
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Rockman Slate II, Rockman Switch, Focus road bike, Giant GSR 400 [oh yeah!]
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Trials, Motorbike trials, Motor racing
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walker's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Not posted on this forum in AGES! I'm still riding a bit, but losing touch with the scene a bit. It's nice to see this is still going and with a lot of additions. I thought it was a nice idea at the time but fully expected it would get replaced by something better! Keep up the good work.
  2. Awesome stuff Josh! Your ally welding is looking pretty damn good now!
  3. Looks cool, pretty unique. What's the RRP?
  4. Awesome, nice work Iolo! Glad to see you;re having fun over there, we're still missing you back here!
  5. walker

    60D Clips

    They're pretty good if you don't want extreme geometry. The length of the stem realy changes the way the bike rides. I've just changed to a high stem with riser bars and it's much better on the back wheel. The weight is about 10kg at a guess, my build is pretty lightweight, I don't know how much the frame weighs, I would guess at around 1.9kg.
  6. walker

    60D Clips

    Yeah, I have lost touch with Rockman now, but I still appear to be on the site. Working for M.A.D. was too good an opportunity to pass up on, so that's why I'm riding a Phase!
  7. Is it just me, or does she kind of look like shes got a moustache on the go there?
  8. walker

    60D Clips

    Edited on Moviemaker, was courious to see what was possible. I'm pretty impressed with the video quality from my housemate's EOS 60d, watch it in HD.
  9. walker

    Joe Oakley

    I lover where this topic is going! I bet she looks rough in a morning, who knows...
  10. Yeah definitely, well I've not been home that much in the last few years! But I finish uni soon, so I'll be moving back in a month or so. It's good to see some dedicated riders in my area, I always end up riding on my own at home! And what's Robbie riding these days?
  11. I'd really like to have a look through these, but please, sort out the best ones so I don't have to go through 100 crap pics first! The riding looks good, but please take this constructively! Also, this is just my opinion, but that fisheye is way overkill!
  12. agreed! Lol at the amount out make-up in that cleavage though!
  13. Haha, you're probably not wrong. On the downside, you do have to change the bedsheets more often when they get covered in blood!
  14. I beg to differ! He always seems to be getting fresh ones. I'd blame it on the pedals; I hate getting on a bike with worn out pedals, they give you very little confidence. Touch wood, I rarely get any these days, seem to get more knock around my ankles from the brake pistons.
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