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Everything posted by Bendee

  1. heres a few of my older vids i put on youtube enjoy
  2. lmfao if your wondering who the bellend making silly noises and remarks all through the film was it was me hahaha. jeez some memories there back from 04 aswell blimy how time flys
  3. quility pics patty that bug looked abit big lol looked like some quility riding spots aswell.
  4. stick you cock in the projector and finger in the tv. worked for me.
  5. chris (the ugly ginger one) kick the polish fanny out and let pat live at yours.
  6. i just watched one of them vids and it was f**king shite thank god hes dead.
  7. nice vid good riding shite song, sexy rider though ummmm
  8. loved mine only swapped as i fancied a change id have another of i could loved how it rode. allthough all youll hear is they ride crap. try and get a ride on one and make your own mind up. if anyone has one and fancies a swap for a coust get in touch.
  9. shes a f**king mess needs shooting and no doubt carrying aids. joe has a face for telly, beautiful.
  10. BENLEEEEs the f**king man and you know this. wont be there going to fcs really really wanted to aswell need to ride again ill miss you all.
  11. bessel with his top of is allmost pornographic. riding looks top notch as usual wish i could of joined you.
  12. cheers guys its a dirty f**ker atm and its killing me seeing black wheels lol after all this shitty weather ive not been able to clean it, got tomorrow off though so gonna go mad if weathers good.
  13. woo french car thread. and less of the french cars are shit you jelous fannys my cars 12 years old and only needs a couple very minor things sorting. they may rattle but its all good wheres the fun in a quite car. anyway got my steering colum welded up at the uj joint the otherday as the rubber thingy perished and fap me my cars totally different such fun to drive and it feels like i can take corners at twice the speed as the 172 with ease. also its starting to wake up after 10 years of its life being driven by a granny im now driving like it was intended. fred defo looks like your going the right way about modding your car looking good, and liking your 106 tipsy jock looks real nice. heres a pic just for the fun of it.
  14. lol chill out si we'll all come next time and give your shitter a thrashing. probly be raining anyway and no chance am i going all that way to drive on a wet strip.
  15. shall we make it a different date as bessel cant come either? be nice to get the majority down instead of one or two of us.
  16. so whos defo coming on the 20th then? get a list going ill start ben lee..
  17. he probly just finished his morning training session
  18. certainly sounds like i made the right decision to go alton towers lol knew it was gonna be shit when i heard that tit giles was sorting it all out then when i read the riders list i just new it was crap. dont get me wrong the riders are good but you need big names for big crouds.
  19. its that carbon bonnet joe and the fact your a right chav lol
  20. so when is it? might come dunno if my body could cope with the stress of rideing 3 days lol
  21. LOL i was thinking of going but if thats the list of riders going i think ill wait to the next ymsa lol f**king ashly butler wtfs he gonna do gonan be good in a few years but right now?
  22. id probly get a better time like that if the conditions are anything like last time i went lol no grip at all
  23. the slips have reaction times but they time you from when you leave the line. im kinda tempted to take a few bits outa mine ummm.
  24. my dad did it he was a guide for a blind woman this year duno what time they did lol but my dads gone work today so must of walked most haha
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