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About CriminalTrials.co.uk

  • Birthday 01/03/1994

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  • Quick Spec
    Echo Pure (2008)
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Cheers for the ffw dude, is spot on

  2. Aww shame, thanks for the info though, i think ill source a cheaper leaver Think u are backed up by Ben above, so thanks mate
  3. Hi all I have an ultimate lever but missing the adjuster, does anyone know if any of these would do the job? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cycle-Bike-Brake-Lever-Cable-Barrel-Adjusters-Pair-ALL-SIZES-/180761185029?pt=UK_sportsleisure_cycling_bikeparts_SR&var=&hash=item6fc4f949a5 Im unsure on the size, M6, 7, 8 or 10. Or is it a special one for the avid? I know you can buy the genuine spare from select places online, but it comes as part of a kit called, Ultimate Lever Hardware kit or something and it's £35.... Thanks in advance! Danny
  4. Hmm all sounds gurrd. Would like to see a pic of an echo external setup! Thanks guys
  5. ahhh i get it now. Sounds pretty good actually, guess thats the way things are moving, at least in the XC world anyway. Thanks for your help lads. Much appreciated as always
  6. Thanks for the info guys. So the cranks are simply push fit still but no bolts? how do they stay tight?
  7. Hoping someone can help me fathom somthing out here. How do the new external BB's work? Such as these ones? LINKAGE Im confused as their doesnt seem to be any way of fixing the axel to the BB? Do i need special cranks to go with the new BB's? Thanks in advance Danny
  8. I may make it, but cant promise, depends on work
  9. CriminalTrials.co.uk


    ohhh no u didnt! haha but seriously, this guy is defo one of my fave tgs riders, although he used to mix it up a lot more than he has in this video. but still brill vid!
  10. Amazing mate am lost for words, made me wanna ride so badly!! (Y)
  11. Big SCAMMER, do not buy from this guy!!

  12. Big SCAMMER, do not buy from this guy!!

  13. Mate, I havent recieved the brake yet and you have not replied to my messages. Has the brake been sent? Payment was cleared over a week ago now and you said you were posting the next day....

    Please let me know whats going on.



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