i don't mind rain, wind or snow much. well, I don't head out in the pouring rain to ride unless I'm very determined. Practising taps on wet, slimy edges with a slippy brake is good technique practise. Rails are fun aswell.
Snow is a completely different matter though. It is pretty fun if it's only a few inches, but if it's too deep (1 ft and more) your rim will get covered in it, which will turn into ice when you brake, (well, first liquid water, then ice) which makes your brake non-existant, which is dangerous. Riding in snowstorms is fun fun fun. Except that it gets REALLY cold really quickly.
Also, I don't mind riding comps in the rain at all. I'd rather have sun and drought, but wet sections are more challenging, and getting wet/muddy is pretty fun. :wink2: