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Everything posted by Janson

  1. I've been running this for about 13 months maybe.. Not a single service. Runs OK, it's not very smooth compared to a king, but I can't really tell. It's low stack, cheap as chips (5-10 quid or something) and it's black. I personally can't really see the point of a £100 headset...
  2. if you're just after something to use while running/riding/excercising in general, just get whatever's cheapest. doesn't matter much, they're all the same really....
  3. "short string of lyrics that seem unique" +lyrics
  4. sonic youth - diamond sea.. was what google told me.
  5. Janson

    Picture War

    pwns whisky/whiskey.
  6. The best tensioner (imo) is using a mech, with the spring around the bolt that holds it to he hanger removed, and the mech locked in place with the end of a brake or shifter cable. Slip the end of the cable (with the metal end bit) through where the wire passes in the mech normally, push the mech until it guides the chain straight on the cog, and tighten up the pinch bolt that holds the cable... är du från sverige eller?
  7. Janson

    Picture War

    she broke it. furnaces are hard.
  8. Janson

    Picture War

    haven't you leant that this furnace melts iron? (most posted pic in the thread?)
  9. wasnt that from nwd or kranked or something a few years back?
  10. if the rim is eyeletted an extra millimeter or two won't hurt. mine was 266/270 with eyeletted dx32 anyways, which worked fine.
  11. would you buy a shirt from this site if they did tees? don't think so huh.
  12. Janson

    Picture War

    pwns your stupid propeller generators.
  13. could at least have removed the Animal logo on that tee...
  14. does the wheelbase really matter? i can't tell any difference riding forks with different rake. it's not like it adds 2" on chainstays, drops the BB by 5" and slackens the head angle by 5 degrees..
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