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Everything posted by Janson

  1. soo pissed that i missed it. MEH.
  2. i can almost assure you there will be no problems with the heatsink backings mounting system. It is secure, and I have been using the same design on my pads (now going to be branded heatsink) with no problems at all..
  3. a friend had to use a 2.5 to 3.5 on his aswell. koss portapro are good sounding phones.
  4. pretty nice adapters eh? (N)' I don't understand why Steve didn't go with countersunk bolts..
  5. Janson

    Koxx Pads.

    coustellier pads are the best pads i have tried on any bike. shame that they do not sell them readily fitted into 50 mm backings.
  6. Janson

    Green Onza Hog Rim

    actually looks acceptable on the bike... doesn't it look pretty gash when sprayed over the eyelets in the rims?
  7. someone should work on their smoothness a bit..
  8. Janson

    Green Onza Hog Rim

    looks pretty ugh, not very nice.
  9. definitely the DT Hügi. Those things are killer hubs, except for the slow engagement.
  10. I always use gloves. it's just less fuff about with them. Find a glove that fits OK, get some nice grips and off you go. Not that much callousing and my hands never hurt. Saves me the effort of chanel no5'ing my grips up Tic stylee, and saves my stupid ass (or hands) when I feel like falling off. I have never understood how people can bother with no gloves and talcum powder.. it's like tarring a brake. gives better feel for a bit, but needs reapplying, while gloves (grind) lasts longer, works better in all weather but doesn't have the same feel to it. kinda.
  11. or a cd... what i wonder though, is why you felt the need to warm it for 4 minutes? 2 mins makes everything scalding hot, at least in our microwave oven.... i've never had anything explode, but i have made stuff catch fire in it... one of those aluminium lined paper bags you get when you buy grilled chicken and stuff i think it was, fair while ago now though (10+ years).
  12. about 200 deng years. one deng year = the time between releasing two new frames.
  13. i have never heard of anyone sending something, and getting it lost in the post.... not from anyone that isn't later on discovered as being a scammer. If Royal Mail lost, say 1/10 000 of all items sent, that would be a fair few thousand letters/postcards in a year...
  14. a friend of mine ran a jubilee-clipped headset on his bmx for years..
  15. Janson

    Ribo Shoes

    they're pretty pimp compared to the tame looks of those F1 boot look-a-likes that everyone around here wears... Everyone says that my ribos look hottt.. :rolleyes:
  16. Janson

    Ribo Shoes

    ribo > * they're the bestest shoes ever. going from monty shoes to ribos was like going from ballet shoes to proper trials shoes. I'd rather have 1 pair of Ribo than 10 pairs of shitty quality, uncomfortable trainers with soles that don't work as well as the Davos sole...
  17. Janson

    Picture War

    beats the shit out of shit.
  18. my file ended up bigger and of worse quality than the standard vcd mpg.. but im retarted when it comes to compression.
  19. Janson

    Alex 26" Rims

    they're not easy to get hold of at all nowadays.. The closest you get is the onza ronnie, but I've heard that they're not as good as the dx32.. the only thing i know is that the swedish importers are getting a few in, but that's in december, and in sweden...
  20. Isn't it lovely? More pics and please comment, HERE!
  21. Janson

    coust st blaise

    coust st blaise frame, onza smartguy forks, ck classic full HD on tryall xl on the back, hope xc on d521 on the front, tensile cranks with custom bash, onza cog, kmc k810 chain, hs33 with alu backings and coust pads, avid bb7 185mm front, tryall bar and stem, v8 pedals.
  22. Janson

    custom bash

    hard anodised..
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