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Everything posted by Janson

  1. i got my crescent welded after it cracked. still going strong afaik. it IS worth paying a tenner to get a frame rewelded.. i'd rather ride a cracked and welded frame for a month for a tenner than having to wait til i have the 3-400 odd for a brand new frame, and not riding at all.. i'm sure you'll gather a tenner quicker than a month, so there is no point in throwing the frame away straight after crackage unless you have the dosh for a new frame right off really...
  2. i heard the guys at the post office are really helpful.
  3. had more fun off the bike at nass05... 06 should be really cool, I hope I can make it.
  4. meatballs, beatroot salad, ham, maybe turkey, etc. nothing super fancy, we don't really do chrimbo.
  5. if the glue won't give, put them in the oven at 150-160°. i did it and they came off easily.
  6. i saw that wingdings thing about 3 days after it happened..
  7. the white tracky bottoms with blue and red stripes are part of the french trials uniform, aren't they?
  8. definitely. though i remember it being bigger when i joined, or was it because i had a smaller screen? i remember it being blue and all pixel-y.
  9. but when you hit it hard enough it may/will start delaminating and then you broke it. cf is cool as f**k, but i'd use a thick alu plate for a tensioner, much easier to work with and stuff...
  10. i used to, and a lot of people i know have at some point. it didn't make that much difference for me, so i went back to just using the pad instead of fuffing about with cutting grooves in it.
  11. ive got 25 low quality clips from the old vtt coust site, incl. helmet cam footage. kevin s made the coustellier sea and cake video too.. and there is some footage from the worlds a few years back that i have (felix made it i think). catch me on msn tomorrow if you wanna, kattenjanson@gmail dot com
  12. evian tastes like imsdal that's been sitting around for a few weeks in the sun. not a fave. and yes tic, i remember being warned.. mike's wasn't too bad actually.
  13. because you wasted his salt? you'd probably get away from him anyways, seeing as you wouldn't have a trials bike to slow you down.
  14. and if worst comes to worst, pour salt in their bed before they go to sleep.
  15. Good to hear that they're working... Pretty neat, eh? I am convinced that the clip design should last, but time will tell..
  16. Janson


    they play 'crazy frog' inside the car really loud. like the boy-racer "woosh" speakers for that turbo feel, but cooler.
  17. our water is excellent, no taste of anything here. no problems with limescale and stuff, unlike Tic's tap water.
  18. 04 maggie, coust pads in cnc backings, dx32 with grind at a guess.
  19. judging by riding quality and experience, no.
  20. the tartybikes stickers come off pretty easily, just peel them off carefully, and clean the frame off, because there will be a little glue residue left.. i just used a bit of wd40 on a rag, rubbed for a bit, then wiped off.. nice and clean, but i'm sure fairly liquid or whatever works..
  21. yes. especially on long bikes.
  22. flashy and nice. 10/10 for reference to a certain shop.
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