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Everything posted by Janson

  1. someone's getting a bit good now. i'm impressed!
  2. use flex for jump high. or simply, flex for yes.
  3. i bake mine in the oven. 160 degrees kills my epoxy, then just peel the pad out..
  4. Janson

    Toxsin 20.1

    i tried bäckgren's longer proto bike, felt loads better than his old short one.. it was 1030 or something i think. keep your eyes peeled i suppose.
  5. i dunno if this has been posted, cant be bothered reading a zillion replies. imagine running on a running machine, with the machine matching your speed, so the faster you run, the faster the belt moves, and you're not going anywhere. now imagine someone standing in front of the running machine, with a piece of rope in his/her hand. the person proceeds to give you one end of the rope, while tying the other to a safe or anything heavy. now imagine you pulling the rope as hard as you can. what happens? you will fall forwards, probably. why? because the force you apply to the rope has nothing to do with what your legs are doing. or in the airplanes situation, the legs = wheels and arms = engines. this post will either make me look retarded or help those of you who can't get it...
  6. woke up at 11:30. then proceeded to get up, wander around the flat for a bit, to settle down at the computer. i then said hello to my mum who came home for lunch at 12. i then ate a semla for lunch, and popped down to the post office to collect my tyres. i came home to find not 2, but 3 tyres in the box. the stupid people must have given me an extra tyre for free, which would be wicked. i then proceeded to finish the semla i had, and fit the tyres on the bike. the retarded hog front rim is almost too small, so the front mich i ordered almost pops off the rim by itself. had a quick spin, tyres seem to work pretty well. got a michelin mountain xtreme front and schwalbe big betty rear.. brought the bike weight down to 24lbs, which is wicked. i intend to do f**k all today. maybe tidy the room. maybe eat something in a bit, getting hungry.
  7. Janson

    An Idea?

    also people videoing with a 15fps crappy digital camera, cutting the torso and head off the rider, or the bike.
  8. dunno if you can get them. paid ~7 quid for it new. basically a bag the size of a small house. fits the bike and loads of clothes etc in it. Pad the bike up with foam, cardboard, clothes, whatever. works wicked, use it on the trains here (not allowed bikes on) and on the plane when going abroad. they're really uncomfy to carry, but hey, they're cheap.
  9. alex make a 24" dx32 too...
  10. just any bash made for ffw cranks. echo, try-all, etc.
  11. i might be there... someplace. if i find somewhere to stay. or something. on the 2nd week in april.
  12. nah, Ti holes are for real. I've not gone overboard.. I used to have a CF seat, that's about it. Still got it, but broked. I've got a special little something on my bike now, people'll see later i guess. It's nifty, but doesn't save loads. My bike is 26lbs now, pretty heavy really.
  13. big and explosive but not very smooth or entertaining. fair play though, i know how big everything in there is, and some things are pretty silly.
  14. monty milk pads? i used to have a set. they lasted aaaages, and were really good. not avaliable anymore though.. I find coustellier pads to be pretty ok..
  15. Janson

    coust st. blaise

    now actually complete :o coust frame, smartguy fork, tryall/king rear wheel, onza/hope front, both rims stripped, avid bb7 front, hs33 rear with coustsinks (first pair ever :P), tensile cranks, v8 pedals, tryall bar and stem. err, maxxis tyres, custom bashguard. oh and inner tubes.
  16. 335mm on a coustellier (zero drop) with maxxis 2.5 and 2.35 tyres. 13.19"...
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