Went out for a 40 minute sidehopping session today, when I met two freeride guys. One of them rode home for his very nice D70 cam, to take some pics of me. So here we go, some pics from messing about outside the local library! First spring day of the year for us, 5 degrees and sun! Small wheelswap Pedal up Pedal up with a bit of touching thing, perfect for stuff under 37"-ish Landing of another one, had to abubaca back off. Up, then gap to next, and gap to final post, then off to wall and down. On the last of the 3 posts. Riding animals has always been my thing, this stone Lion was more solid than the shark i rode.. The pics with the black borders are taken by Andreas Karlsson. The pics without borders are taken by Henrik Jonestrand. More of his pixxx at http://mtb.haas.se/cal/ Old man we met, hilarious guy. He told us that Linköping (this city) was the first christian city in the whole country! Not sure if it was true, but he was a laugh nonetheless. Enjoy!