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Everything posted by Janson

  1. it will eat the seals. dont use anything other than mineral oil, wd40, water or vodka in your hs33.
  2. i did when i had 18t front. and vincey pie uses it.
  3. mike's just a fatty though.
  4. everyone knows that 18:15 is the real uci gearing porter.
  5. Janson

    Day - Video

    Because the EOS 300D series are digital SLR cameras, and not video cameras. Also, filming a full 25 frames per second, for a whole day, would use up ~10 tapes. Normal video plays at 24, 25 or 30 frames per second. If you want to speed the 8 hour video down to 3 minutes, you'd have to play it at 160x the speed, or 4000 frames per second... But you can't, I'm pretty sure there are no film projectors that fast, or any computers fast enough to handle the massive amount of data. 25 frames per second is considered smooth enough by most people, it's what everything in PAL is these days. 3 minutes of 25fps video is 4500 frames. If you want that spread out over 8 hours, you'd have to take 0.15 frames every second, or one frame every 6.4 seconds. Also, as you capture DV in real time, you'd have to sit and watch 8 hours of footage being captured, and change tapes every hour. How boring would that be?!
  6. Janson

    Day - Video

    Yeah, but trying to play decent res video at 200fps or so rapes computers. Doing time lapses on video/film cameras works the same way, shoot a frame every minute, or every 20 seconds, or however long you want to shoot and how smooth you want the outcome to be. Doing it with a proper camera ensures better results than a single chipped DV camera. The video is very cool Mike. You should try and get the tripod somewhere less windy, and a remote trigger if you're not already using one, just to minimise framing differences. Also, go for either 25 or 30 fps, 24 is too wannabe indie film maker.
  7. you are aware of that most of the shell is fenced off, right? some major reconstruction works went down there last tuesday anyhow.
  8. lil jon, lol. crunk is the shit!
  9. Marmite. Eugh. Steamed chinese dumplings, that was f**king disgusting. Some kind of gray piece of meat in some half-clear/white, jelly-like covering, served in something that resembled a metal bowl for dog food. oh my god, it was horrible.
  10. Janson

    Video Of Stan

    suck suck, soccer practise!
  11. Janson

    19" 36h Rim

    KH = KoxxHog I'd get a dx32. they're decent.
  12. agreed. it's f**king annoying.
  13. Janson

    Video Of Stan

  14. anyone who's heard my brake recently will probably say that 50mm is decent enough.
  15. Cousts and fresh tensioners are tricky. Mine does down-tension with 16:14 and 18:15, but not up tension on either, which sucks, as it keeps slacking off!
  16. it's called "i just got in.." and not "i stayed in.." y'know. Most of the posts are at silly o'clock anyhow.
  17. You're noobs. We've got 1148 posts in our thread.
  18. You can get them through Mr Marriaux..
  19. heinz tomarrrrto is the way to go.
  20. they have been riveted because they are rivets. it'll work fine. ive done it a gazillion times.
  21. i felt i could ride better when i went to the gym a few weeks. i cant be bothered now the weathers better though. was good to be able to sweat a few times a week when we had snow, but i think riding helps more than anything to be honest. but if you wanna improve and look good/whatever, go for it.
  22. The chain was tightened after the pictures were taken. It pwns all rex frames. Hasn't got the hideous headtube gusset thing you know, and the horrible paint job.
  23. i downloaded the clips 2003-02-03, but i think they're from the london ride the 5th of january, 2003.
  24. http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/kattnjanson the files '4.mpeg' and '5.mpeg' might be the ones you're after.. 4 is leon breaking his wheel, 5 is someone riding a monty xlite, might be you?
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