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Everything posted by Janson

  1. export the sound separately in premiere.. then add both the video+sound track you first exported, mute the sound, add the audio you exported to the new track you made and then export. This is for premiere: 1. Export video with audio 2. Export audio 3. Create new project or sequence 4. Add the video+audio track, and mute the audio 5. Add the audio track and make sure it's in sync (should be) 6. Export as video+audio (as you normally do) 7. Compress 8. Enjoy a crackle-free sound.
  2. haha, that was pretty cool.. the bass hits on the song seemed very distorted and crackely on my speakers though. loving the sam wheeler speaky bits, and riding was good!
  3. saafe. would have liked some staples action though. it was cool though.
  4. Robert Alexander Janson. It reckons my name is danish, which is bullshit. Only 3% have a posher name than mine it says, but anything ending with a -son isn't very posh at all. Stupid website.
  5. Haha, Mexico vs. Iran is on now.
  6. Janson

    Fat Tax

    the only way of losing fat is working it off. if you find a 500 lbs fatty and liposuck it down to 150 or whatever, they'll gain loads again. one needs to change the eating and excercise habits in order to get somewhere. fat people should be punished by having to eat right. that'll teach them!
  7. Janson

    Post Your Band

    cheers for the comment trialslord. we're not thinking of even trying to get a record deal. at least not with our current line-up. i'm moving away in august time, so no drummer, and the others will be quite busy with other things.. it's a bit of a shame, but hey, life goes on.
  8. Coustelliers are among the absolutely best riding frames ever I reckon. Quite long but still not a barge, no BB rise makes it very stable, but still easy on the back wheel due to short chainstays. The bad thing about them is the downtube, as it dents quite easily. I dented mine pretty badly the other day, but I've owned it for almost two years now. They're very solid frames, and VERY stiff. The Limey I tried felt quite similar to my Coust, seemed like it was a bit longer, might have been due to a longer stem.
  9. Janson

    Post Your Band

    I'll start it off then, seeing as I posted in the happy thread. My band is called Nice Carpet, we play indie rock/pop. I started playing drums in september last year, and I think I've gotten pretty good considering the time. We started recording the EP "Time is not relevant to the future" about 2 months ago, and we're finally finished. You can find the EP on my tv.isg.si. Added a picture too. I'm usually sweating and pulling stupid faces when we play. This was at this africa-themed party, hence the decorations on the bass drum and our matching ties. From left to right is: Petter - second guitar, also bass on some songs Roger - Lead guitar, lead vocals, also plays the banjo when we cover Modest Mouse. Robert - Me, on the drums. I provide the heat and the beat. Markus - Lanky lad on the bass, also plays keyboard or our huge 1900s organ, or accordion when covering Arcade Fire.
  10. I can't really help, but oh my god picture 3 is the funniest snappage I've ever seen!
  11. Janson

    Plate Fire Video

    cheers. i practised my gaps today, they're getting better... still looking like a bag of shit being thrown between stuff but hey.
  12. /\ Joined the forums after I did. < Is the worst actor in the whole world \/ scratched his/her head while reading this post.
  13. You should probably have put this in chit-chat...
  14. /\ wanker < my hero V wore trackies to school.
  15. not a fan. i like football a bit though, as it keeps people sat at home in front of the goggle box, and gives me more space when riding.
  16. 28" wide. i never watch telly. sometimes i watch it on the computer with the pctv card. widescreen is much cooler for trials, but i can never be arsed to film in it. i did mark some framing help things on my screen on the camera, just need to get arse into gear to be honest. wide for win.
  17. I used to run gears for a year or two, but switched back to SS again. Much easier..
  18. ribo. but somestimes i wear my adidas superstars but that's not often. they're my nice shoes.
  19. i had that night last night. even though i was just gapping for an hour, i tried a dropgap line from a bench about 20 times, didnt have it. will nail it soon, only a few inches left.
  20. i have 2.84gb "retro" stuff. bikeguernsey, inlet trials, metchosin trials, miketrials, everything nailsea, sitrials (si sagar), the pace, trialspunks, trialsworks etc. catch me on msn if you're after anything particular.
  21. Janson

    Plate Fire Video

    cheers. the original BAT video on my tv.isg in about 10 minutes.
  22. Janson

    Plate Fire Video

    ahhh shut it about my gaps ali, they're mint i've not practised them much at all, focused on taps last season.. yeah ill be ready gurrz. show you and thystan how it's supposed to be driven.
  23. Janson


    I'd hate to be his cymbals. This is even better though.. Watch the end bit!
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