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Everything posted by Janson

  1. aren't we all gö vid as i said before. shame your vinyl player caught fire the other day, haha.
  2. i think my suggestion is the best. make sure it's all caps though.
  3. Worked in a prototype workshop during the summer, leaving the city to do civil/mech engineering at university in two weeks. Next 5 years of my life sorted.
  4. "f**k NIGGER". Offensive and racist at the same time. The perfect shirt to get stabbed in.
  5. I've never had to deal with customs when sending or recieving shizzle I've sent and had sent to me in Europe. A Boxset should fit fine in a jiffy bag, and to be sent as a letter... Or Royalmail Signedfor if you're feeling posh enough to spend like a tenner on postage.
  6. suss isn't exactly a man though tom.
  7. 'computer says no'. very funny to say to people if they ask to have a go, give them a long look, sigh, and say it, then cough into their faces and move on.
  8. aqua teen hunger force or family guy.
  9. And you started off by tightening all the spokes so the thread on the spokes was completely hidden by the nipple? I did that, and then had to dish the rim over about half an inch when i built my front wheel, then just go round tightening. That looks a bit weird, are some spokes tight and some poke out that far?
  10. Janson


    ive not changed frames in almost 2 years. i am so fashionable.
  11. Janson

    Another Hd Vid.

    I assume that the HD watermark is left by the compression software or codec used, and not left by the creator intentionally. HD is cool, but with a bitrate that high and little post-processing, it looks very jittery and VERY home video. 50 fps is very smooth, but not very film like. I'd like 24/25 fps progressive, and lots more work with the post processing, making it look more film like, as it is possible, especially with a camera of that level. I wouldn't mind a HD camera though...
  12. How can a fork that is expensive and weak be the best?
  13. MEGA grave digger bump there! Paris, I believe.
  14. But he could have enjoyed the beautiful countryside of Sweden.
  15. 1/8" (bmx) chains are usually beefier than the 3/32" (mtb) ones.. The Thin Kool chain is an exception, it is as beefy as its 1/8" brother.
  16. 6-8 months unless you're a beast... I run my chains for about that time before I change, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. To be honest, I don't know when I changed chain.. Maybe december or something.
  17. Only gives 10 mm less clearance, which is like half the width of your thumb. But I do hear 185mm marble rotors are excellent.
  18. Callum does ride, I've witnessed it with my own eyes.
  19. This thread clearly shows that I tend to ring people more than texting them, and vice versa. Voice > Text.
  20. Janson


    Mark.. Get some Shure E2c phones.. They are a bit pricey, but sound quality is amazing, and they also double up as on stage monitors, so you don't have to use horrible monitor speakers when performing.
  21. "Missat samtal från +467095911xx. 04 aug 16:18 Mvh Telenor" "Svar ja.kommer till linköping vid sex." "Ring Telenor Mail 888 du har 1 nytt röstmeddelande. Om du befinner dig i utlandet ring +46708222888." I get more text from missed calls and answering machine than actual people. One was about sex though.
  22. The Echo rims are shite. Koxx have (apparently) redesigned the rims a bit, so they're supposed to be better, but who knows.
  23. I love noisy brakes when mine's quiet. I love quiet brakes when mine's noisy. The novelty wears off VERY quickly, but when the brake is silent I miss the lovely noise. I feel more confident if my brake honks lots.
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