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Everything posted by Janson

  1. May I have the honour to present the officially Loudest flamethrower EVER. Do NOT try this outside university grounds, as you may be taken for an idiot. Stunt performed by Carl. huligancarl.3gp
  2. i play the drums in one of my old home town's best pop bands. in our opinion anyways. have not owned a kit yet, but played a set of cheap dixons with paiste 302 brass plates all round.. reorded our ep with a set of pearl exports with zil a custom crashes and some horrible horrible sabian solar hats and an equally horrible solar ride... i also play the guitar, sporadically. i used to own a cort strat copy, and a white ibanez rg350.. now i own none, and am in the process of shopping for a telecaster or something italian from the 60-70s...
  3. this is how some swedes can look if they dress up. it is not me btw.
  4. i have that dragon in my room at home, but thats far away. it was pretty damn cool, and did confuse all my mates lots and lots!
  5. nice MADS! you have to send me some more pics! talk to u on msn soon ! ... are you coming to sweden soon or what? whould be cool if you did take care DE VA LA GÖTT!!!
  6. Janson


    Here's me, playing with the freshman band of mechanical engineering/tech design of Chalmers. Audience of 500+ Not my kit though, 'cos I haven't got one.
  7. Janson


    A former classmate of mine has Aspberger's.. For 2 years, he sat in a corner during lessons and never said a word. In year 3 he went completely psycho, stalked people and shouted out inappropriate shit randomly. He was VERY scary but also very funny. But there were a fair few more autistic lads and lasses at my college, where this happened, and they seemed fine, just a bit quiet...
  8. Janson

    Baby Names

    Emery or Ooglethorpe I rekcon.
  9. Rewelding an aluminium frame will ruin it. Get it helicoiled. You don't need to buy the whole kit, just go to a car garage or whatever and get it sorted. Shouldn't be too expensive.
  10. Janson

    Baby Names

    Continued on post before this: Barry Scott Surname. Having scott as 2nd name. ***. How cool? HI IM BARRY SCOTT.
  11. yeah, they stretch LOTS.
  12. Janson


    adi superstars are alright to ride in. one of the better shoes ive ridden in, but i do prefer my ribos..
  13. Janson

    Avid Bb5?

    Yeah, but I meant that even if you hit it, there will be no risk of accidentally readjusting the brake.
  14. Janson

    Avid Bb5?

    probably work as well, but not as adjustable. if i remember correctly they have no red fiddly knobs that you can turn to move the pads. so they're better for the back really if you have problems catching your heel on the red knob dial thingy and making the brake not work.
  15. Chalmers University in Gothenburg. Should be very good, 5 years 'til I become a civil engineer.
  16. Maybe you drag it lots when pedal kicking. Ie being a bit slow when releasing and grabbing the brake, wearing the pads down. I dunno.
  17. Janson


    being under water deep below the surface. i am fine with deep water and jumping into it, but i cant hack it more than a few metres down.
  18. Do you drag your brake lots?
  19. I'd like to see all half decent trials riders rip some trails up with no experience. trials made me fear speeds over 1mph.
  20. 18. This is the year.
  21. That spoke key would never get to touch my nipples. Only Park keys will, they are good.
  22. xen in white camo has been the shit since i got one in december. colour is dece even though the peak of mine is a slightly different one.
  23. Janson


    Whenever it feels like breaking.
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