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Everything posted by Janson

  1. didn't foxcomp.fi use to carry norco a few years back? i looked at the site and found nothing though.
  2. riding a stupid bike doing stupid stunts compensates the jeans, no matter how good they look.
  3. Janson


    now i am back home, with another ip, i can go on abusing this site again. yay.
  4. use cheap jeans for riding and expensive and better looking ones for not riding.. it's what I do and it does make sense, no point in riding in a pair of 100 quid designer jeans...
  5. i sang it on singstar at new years eve. i knew all the words and had 3000 points more than the bassist in my band. i WAS morissey that night, and totally shitfaced.
  6. and steve is busy with life at the mo. (or so i read in another thread).
  7. Janson

    Desktop Icon

    press windows buttom+m.
  8. i saw a fake iphone on engadget which looked better. i do not like the look of it, but i'm sure it will be brilliant.
  9. i will so buy this one. looks great!
  10. Janson


    isn't there a "block all ports except xx xx xxxxx xxxx" function on your router? so you only allow ports for msn, internet browsers, etc? or maybe some kind of bandwitdh limiter software you can run on his ass. i dunno. i am stumped.
  11. Janson


    block the port his torrent program is using? or fill his computer with child porn and call the cops. i dunno. capped broadband sucks. i have a 15gb a day cap, which is pretty decent. and if i don't use it all i get to save it, and can at most have 60gb of allowed bandwidth. means i cant get on all the good 100mbit dc++ hubs though, which sucks. (i'm on 100/100 btw ) but then again i don't live in england which is ages behind in broadband tech.
  12. i will rape you next time i meet you.
  13. Janson


    except real friends don't ban friends for talking about downs.
  14. I shop for my suits at the toilet store.
  15. Janson


    haha, joe won. i tried to get my whore to search but she wouldnt send the link and then FOR NO REASON i got banned. i didnt even say anything. bitch.
  16. Janson


    it's the official challenge now lads. the first one to find a picture of a black kid with downs wins. i know it's harsh as f**k but it's impossible.
  17. Janson

    Paul Mckenna

    I see. I guess water is a bit weird to be in if you can't swim, I'd hate to.
  18. Janson

    Paul Mckenna

    i will remember that. can he swim? i don't like deep water. it is fine but i cant be more than about 10-15ft down, then i feel very uncomfortable.
  19. get unfat and learn hooks and gaps. i can seriously not gap, ask fatmike, i'm sure he'll tell you all about it.
  20. Janson

    Paul Mckenna

    i saw his show once i think. he taked in a funny voice and made someone love themself in like 5 minutes. also, this lady had a huge fobia of water, she would not let it get on her face () and had been scared for 30 years. He cured it in 1 hour. I wonder what she felt like afterwards, sure, she's happy becase she's cured, but having lived like a spoon for 30 years and the cure was that easy... DEPRESSION AHOY.
  21. h&m stuff breaks and twists and goes wonky after like 1 wash. FTL. zoovillage.com is good. and caliroots.com, but they're not from around your way anyways, but if you're desperate for some trendy TIGHT emo jeans, get some 'cheap mondays' like the rest of sweden..... or something.
  22. Janson

    Typing Test

    i just mash my hands on the keyboard and hope it makes sense. sometimes i write wrong words, for example, i have to try about 3 times to write couscous, because i write coust automatically. also write band instead of hand, etc. it is easier on a laptop keyboard, and when you know the paragraph. gets faster after a while.
  23. shame there are a few movies with the same name already...boo hoo hollywood, go swedish bikers.
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