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Everything posted by Janson

  1. pretty good for a mac user with twitchy fingers, being used to type msn though.
  2. i think going start>run and typing 'msconfig'. then there should be a tab for autostart, where you can select whatever to autostart, or not to autostart. not 100% sure because i am not on a windows pc at the moment, but i think it works that way.
  3. Janson


    stop wearing trousers with huge boot cuts? i think i've caught my trouser in the chain once. it was on a normal bike, none of that trials stuff.
  4. or the original cillit bang, on repeat. or maybe an infomercial. like the MAGIC BULLET - THE PERSONAL, VERSATILE COUNTERTOP MAGICIAN.
  5. the other day i dreamt i punched a christian guy in my class (fittingly, his name is Christian) in the face and then proceeded to send him down a staircase using a 4x12" amplifier combo. I was screaming something along the lines of "f**k your made up God". am i normal?
  6. Janson


    someone's bored
  7. can sync ipods with media player afaik? or maybe not, i dunno. my wmp used to try to f**k with my ipod, but i got along with itunes so i was fine. also, back when the first ipod was released, it was the only player with a half decent screen and menu system. i remember seeing all the other players (like the creative jukebox?) back when the 1g ipod was out, they all were silly with tiny screens and small buttons to navigate. i've always liked the ipod, and still do.
  8. http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/kattnjanson look in the MTT folder. it's all the old mtt videos, bar the old "victoria's secrets" trailer which i had not enough room for.
  9. i have them all i think. i will put on tv.isg or something when i have the time.
  10. johan got lazy? haha i dunno really. he's supposed to have his new rear hub today, so he may be out this weekend i suppose. he's not dead anyways.
  11. Janson


    i could never be arsed with tablets. i some times drink red bull, but that's very rarely. i also dont drink coffee, and very very seldom tea with caffeine. i try to not drink much coke either (or snort ) because i figured that i'd take loads of caffeine when i really need it, instead of all the time. a daily usage means you need more for the desired effect and it is not good for the body. meh.
  12. because onza/tensile/whatever may want to keep their r&d and ideas for themselves, and not give them away just because deng can use the internet. if everyone would do it, there would be no money put in to r&d, because all companies would just use each others ideas, and suddenly nobody would develop new products. or something.
  13. Janson


    i ride rear brake right hand because it's what bikes come with here. though it is not uncommon that kids crossing over from motorbikes ride with the front brake on the right hand, just like a motorbike.
  14. haha, i remember that. it was sooo funny when he came running with his keys in his fist, and the reversing, haha.
  15. Janson


    i modified my riding jeans to be less baggy around the calves. i cant stand bootcuts at all, even tiny ones, they're horrible for riding and look silly.
  16. that's the thing, it would be an even battle as i'd be chuck norris too!
  17. err good old college physics get a fresh grind on there and some good pads and it'll be dandy. coust pads are a personal fave.
  18. rode there yesterday and will today too.
  19. surface area has nothing to do with friction the friciton force is equal to the applied force times the coefficient of friction between the rim and the pad. I prefer a grind but am using a painted tryall rim at the mo with onza citruses, and it's alright. slips if i land like shite but holds for most stuff. it's ok.
  20. i tried to go riding but it rained and they kicked me off the tram. bitches. meh, when it stops raining i have to ride. peter's on his way, f**k gothenburg weather.
  21. Janson

    Tm Shop.net

    i used to have it but i cant find it. i'll let you know if i find anything.
  22. maybe the camera is just an evolution of the isight camera in the new imacs/macbooks.. they're alright, but i would guess there's something more tasty in the phones.
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