haha, reminds me of a london ride last summer. matt staples knocked a bin over and a bunch of black dudes chased us. they were angry. we rode SO fast in to the train station, where we met police. it was scary. anyone remember? i am sure staples, tic, me, maybe chai and tim?, andy, maybe wheeler too? dunno, but it was weird. i have never been bothered neither has anything funny happened to me. the odd hobo i guess but meh. haha i guess one time this african guy in his 30-40s who was an advertisment paper distributor, asked me if i could teach him trials. i was like, "err i dunno man" and he was really eager. his ways frightened me, like he didnt wanna learn trials at all so i told him i was moving. dont think he was a paedo, but he gave off a strange vibe.