hur många miljoner har du lagt på hojen nu ungefär? hur känns styret? lite sugen på nåt annat, har haft mitt guldiga tryall i lite över 3 år nu, börjar bli dax för ett byte...
cheers lads. well, the grapics are not that broked. doesn't look too pretty on the downtube and there are some dings but mostly, they're fine. i have had: - yellow original graphics - no graphics - white/blue ones i made myself - spiderman (currently) spiderman graphics bought off daddy coust a year or two back. dunno how light the bike is, i'd say not very. 12kg maybe? might put it on a set of scales one day, haven't weighed it in years!
lazy student. soon finished with my first year of the 5 year master programme in mechanical engineering at chalmers university of technology in göteborg, sweden.
ridden alone all the time pretty much. first rider in town, a mate rode with me for about a year but quit. then i moved to gothenburg where there are more riders but still mostly ride alone. it's a convenience thing for me, to be able to go out whenever, wherever and for however long i feel like. though riding with people is much more fun and rewarding.
SCROLL DOWN FOR NEWER PICTARS!!111111111111 figured it was about time again. not changed much at all in the last year. currently brown bloxx on the back. 11.6 kg, or 25.5 lbs. 2003/4 coustellier (v1) frame onza smartguy forks tryall bars, thomson stem tensile cranks, v8 pedals, custom bash king classic hd on tryall white back hope xc on painted onza hog front water bled hs33 with brown bloxx 185mm bb7 with xtr lever and cable also pictured: 9 litres of vodka.
COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! If you stay on the wall, you made it. No matter how many correction hops it takes, if you're up on the wall you're up. If you jump down you never made the sidehop!
doesn't count as a real sidehop. still makes me happy if i do it, means i've progressed a little. wouldn't put in a video unless it was on something like the handrail of a bridge or something.
crazy azn riding full sus trials. its the one with the numbers and kosio. this is the clip you were talking about earlier. with its original file name from back in the day!
when i can't be arsed to take the tyre off i push it to the side with my foot. i use goggles and ear plugs if i feel like it. my grinder is older than me and quite loud. the thinner the disk the better i find. i use a very thin disk now, it gives great grinds. scuffing the tyre a bit with the grinder is fine. ive done it to several tyres and they've all been OK. just as long as you don't keep pressing the grinder down when you hit the tyre.
really good.. could have messed more with audio levels, as mentioned, the song was louder than the speech at some points. also, the random noises added to the song made the video seem more choppy than it really is.. enjoyed it though!
another java hater here... just barely passed the java course we had. read through the assignment, it's not THAT hard. i have some fairly good lecture notes, but they're all in swedish.